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"Promise me that you will never change, and I'll always be the same."


Impatience was an understatement, you were constantly checking the door every minute as you and Jimin decided to watch a movie while waiting for Yoongi.

You finally couldn't take it, "Where is he? Like how did he respond? Did he said he will come or he'll think about it or or.. "

"Relax Y/n, he'll be here. He has to be. He can't loose you he knows that" Jimin tried to comfort you but it was barely working.

Even though you stopped panicking but you were still full of doubts
"Oh Jimin you don't even know what kind of girlfriend I've been, I've treated him so bad. I.. I accused him of cheating and I slept at a stranger's house. I'm the worst, I'm the worst"

You couldn't stop blaming yourself, maybe even if he cheated on you it was your fault. You were the problem you thought.

Jimin stood up making you look up to face him, judging by his face expression you could just conclude that in the next few seconds whatever words that would come from his mouth was going to blow your earbuds.

Luckily the doorbell saved your ears.
You quickly ran for the door before he could.Turning the knob, knowing who was on the other side of the door, you slowly whispered a prayer that whatever happens today it will be the best decision for both of you.

"Hey" Yoongi greeted you, handing you a big bouquet as he closed the door behind him.
A few minutes ago you were determined and confident to sort everything misunderstanding but right now, with him right in front of you , waiting for you to say something.. You didn'tn't know how you start as you fiddled with the flowers in you hand.

"Hyung" Jimin saved the elephant in the room. "Thank goodness you finally came, Y/n was practically going nuts waiting for you to arrive" he smiled at you innocently with his eyes squinting.

You widened you eyes as you looked at jimin in shock to which he just s, how could he say that. You were surely going to kill him after this is over.


It has been exactly one hour after Yoongi had entered the house.Jimin being the understanding one, had left the house to let both of you talk.

"So you're telling me that you don't know who the girl on the phone was" you spoke with suspicious eyes.

You really didn't know what to believe at the moment, but you decided that it was best that you listened to what he had to say about it.

"I swear on us bee" he started.

"I've been getting these random calls for some weeks now, I've informed to the agency and they are investigating on it" he moved closer to you.

You could tell that he was being honest. And even if not you would find out eventually.

But that didn't mean that you forgave him. "And you didn't think of telling me about it first? That only makes you more on the guilty side Yoon." You sighed as you hesitantly moved closer to him too.

"I would have believed you, you know." You were sad and a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry" he slowly held your hand and got off the sofa kneeling in front of you.

"I should have. I should have told you the moment I started getting those calls."

"I just... I didn't want to worry you with these stuffs that didn't matter. I'm so sorry baby"

Putting his forehead on your inclined hands he continued,

"And I'm also sorry for shouting at you and accusing you in the morning"

You winced slightly, thinking about it.

"I forgive you" you lightly whispered. How could you not.

"And I'm sorry for making you feel like you were the only one working on our relationship."

By this time both of you were tearing up.

He slowly lifted his head, automatically making eye contact.

"You're the only woman in my life who owns my heart. I should not have held my feelings for you."

"I should have told you the moment I realized."


"I Love You Jung Bee"

You didn't wait for any minute before smashing you lips on his. The impact made both of you fall on the floor. But neither of you cared.

The feeling was just surreal, nothing else mattered, just this.

You felt stupid too, for not confronting him and directly Making your own conclusions.

But that's just how love should be , if one is unstable the other fills it for them. And that's how it was.

You guys filled each other.

You were his better half and he was yours.

So here is what happened.... I actually wrote a Taehyung POV in this chapter but it got deleted 😤 so i changed the plot. I know this chapter is so short..
(Blame Wattpad👁️)
But I'll put it up in the next chapter.

Happy reading😳
I love Yoongi💋

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