# 1

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"Aww! Sweet child." I caressed the trembling five year old. "Are you afraid of me?" Being a child, he nodded his head. I smirked. "Why is that?"

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I turned to see a man standing lopsided and his index finger pointing at me. I stomped the floor and the rocks pushed him towards me. "Repeat that again."

He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." I turned to the boy and squeezed the air, which squeezed the boy's throat.

I woke up from my nightmare. Trembling as always. I sighed and stood up from the old popped air mattress. 

I suddenly heard footsteps on the floor. "They're probably at it again."
"THAT'S IT TAEHYUNG! WE ARE THROUGH!" The woman slammed the front door causing my little room to shake.

'Those bitches.' If I weren't so scared, I'd march up there and pound him for shaking my room.

Out of nowhere the door opens and I panic. Shit! I scurried to the table and hide under.

"Where is it?" He searches and comes very close to the table. Here's the thing, the table is high and his torso........

'Damn, he must be huge.'


Oh shit.

A/n: enjoy!

The Monster Under the StairsWhere stories live. Discover now