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~ A few years later ~

"BABE! We are going to be late!"

"I'm coming! Give me a minute!"

He was sitting down on the sofa, surfing the internet on his phone. Too caught up in his own world to see his wife wearing the maternal dress.

Exposing all her motherly curves. Never had he looked at her so lovingly before.

"What?" She asked shyly, pulling a piece of hair to the back of her ear.

"Nothing. Just..... you look.....so Beautiful!" He jumped up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Are we ALL ready to go?" He asked placing his hand on his wife's stomach.

"The baby can't talk idiot." His wife chuckled. "You don't know that." As he said that, his wife jolted from the sudden movement in her stomach. His boxy smile was displayed, "I told you. Now, let us go my lady." He held his wife's hand and escorted her out of their house.


"Taehyung, I don't know, my mother senses are tingling. There is something bad here." His wife stated. "I don't feel anything." He stated, while looking around, trying to find the danger.

It also didn't help that they were walking on the sidewalk in the dark. As they kept looking, there a man stood, holding them at gun point. "Give me you jewelry are wallets!" The tall, muscular man yelled.

Without hesitation, they both start to take their stuff out from their pockets.

"You know, it's rude to hold people at gun point right?"

All three heads turn to see Y/n standing there, purple eyes and all. She looked at Tae who seemed confused.

Putting him and Tae in the meadow that she created, it was now time for her to get to work.

As the shots were being fired, she kept dodging them and started to strike back with flying blades coming out of her hands. All these rocks and boulders were flying as well. That poor man was being treated his lesson.

He was now on the floor, trying to pull himself out of there. Just as he was succeeding, he failed. Y/n dragged his foot with little to no effort.

"Don't. Touch. My. Family." She said as she punched. The man was now unconscious.

The meadow was gone and Y/n was now back to being pregnant. "You really had to go through that whole measure?" His eyebrow raised.

"What?! He was going to hurt you and the baby!" Y/n pouted while Tae chuckled. "That is why I love you." They shared their kiss and continued to walk down the dark but safe sidewalk.

The End


A/n: THE END IS HERE! I hope you enjoyed this book! Thank for being patient with this book.

A little explanation, she uses Astral Projection (spirit is able to leave the body)

I look forward to publishing new books later.

Feel free to read my other books as well.

And of course the inspiration for this book.

The spirit in the Mansion

Have a great day!

- 🐻

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