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Author's POV

"Why? What happened?" Taehyung asked as her hug was getting tight every time he spoke. "I-I... just had a bad nightmare." She said, making Tae taking her into his embrace.

Never has Y/N felt such a feeling in her chest. Not only was her heart beating very quickly, but now they were surrounded in a bubble filled with beautiful flowers. Creating a light and peaceful atmosphere.

"What is this?" He question the monster. "I-I honestly don't know." She was confused of everything at this point. "Would you like to see what I can do?" She asked in an exciting voice.

He nodded his head and began to be very shocked.

Y/N had waved her hands over the field of flowers, causing them to grow even faster. With the snap of her fingers she had transported a water can to water all of the newly grown plants.

"You can do all these beautiful things?!" Taehyung asked enthusiastically. She came to a hault. 'They are beautiful?' All her life, she was known as a monster, a thief of lives and a happy ruiner.

"Trust me. I'm no good." Once that deep depression became present on her face, the beautiful bubble had now faded. In the process, all the flowers, trees and grass turned brown and died. "See, everything turns bad for me." Once they were back into the basement under the stairs, Y/N stood up slowly and walked out of the living room.

Y/N wasn't even at the fore when Taehyung grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself. Their close proximity was amazing. Her eyes widened and lips...

Grazing against his own.

A/N: HELLO! I KNOW! Its been forever since I've updated! I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter! There is more tea coming for this book.

I want to say thank you for the readers who have been so patient with this book. Also, thank you for all the reads on my other books as well!

Have a good day or night!

Remember to smile and laugh! Even if it is for one second. 💚🐻

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