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This will be part 1
#9 will be part 2
(Just wanted to clarify)


There he was, running and jumping over rocks and bushes. His pants were filling the the dark, empty streets.

"TAE!" The blast was too loud for him to hear.

So there is was on the floor. Nose bleeding, mouth flooded with blood and eyes staring at the green eyed and blue horned creature.

The doorbell rang.

"T-Tae?" Y/n trembled in his arms. He looked down to see her in almost tears. "What's wrong?" Her grip on his T-shirt became tight. "Don't open that door."

The doorbell rang again.

"Listen, I will go open the door and you will go to the basement and stay there until I come back okay?" She instructed. He looked at her as if she was strange. But he followed along due to her being right.

He ran and hid in the basement. Y/n went to open the door.


"How may I help you?"

"Ma'am I am looking for Kim Taehyung."

Her instincts were all alarmed. This bad feeling was getting worse.

"He is not here."

"Listen sweetheart. Give him to me." His voice low and intimidating. His eyes turned orange. "I knew it. You're a patient aren't you?"

"You're stupid for leaving us." He stayed arrogantly. "No hand the human over." The monster created a blade with his hand and pointed it to her neck. As she was about to speak, "ALRIGHT! I'm here! Don't harm her!" Her eyes widen.

'Are you f*cking kidding me?!' She groaned in her head.

"Ah Kim Taehyung! We've been expecting you." The patient smirked.

"Who exactly?"

"Bossman" Y/n said seriously. There was silence until Taehyung started laughing.


"I-I'm sorry but why would this guy want people to call him 'bossman'" Taehyung emphasized 'bossman' and then started laughing.

The patient pinched his fingers, which choked Taehyung harshly.

"LET GO OF HIM!" Y/n yelled as she stomped her foot on the floor creating a ring of fire around the patient. Which cause the man to burn his hand. "DAMN YOU!"

"TAEHYUNG RUN!" Y/n commanded. With that Taehyung run from the back door and down the street.

The patient laughed. "What!" She questioned.

"That kid is dead. They'll get him. You know that. So why are you fighting it?" He smirked as y/n fell to the floor.

"I don't know why you like this boy Y/n. You use to be the ruthless killer that would kill all these humans even if the begged for their pathetic lives. What changed?" The man smirked.

Y/n looked out the back door, where Tae fled.

"Oh...... oh don't tell me you fell in love with that..... human." He laughed louder. "That means it will be much better to hear him suffer. We will get two screams."

"You bastard!" Y/n brought him closer with her telekinesis. Putting her claws around his neck and digging them in.

He didn't fight back. He just laughed. "Killing me won't help. Like I said, he is coming to do..... personal..... errands." His body went limp.

"Shit!" She smashed the corpse into the wall out of frustration.

A/n: Hope you enjoy!

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