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After that whole "incident" all that was exchanged was awkward coughs and small laughs. "L-Let's get some food." Taehyung said while grabbing coats for both of them. Y/n nodded and walked out the door.

As they were walking down the dark street, a chill had ran up Y/n's spine. Her feet stopped immediately. Taehyung panicked and stopped as well. "What? What's wrong?" Y/n didn't answer. She continued to stare at the dark distance.

The sound of something speeding immediately was heard from her supernatural hearing abilities. She pushed Taehyung into the bushes and dodged the flying object.

As soon as she got up, two tall figures stood there. Those red rings that shined as the dim street lights were hitting their figures seemed familiar. But where? Her thoughts were immediately stopped as she heard, "LET ME GO! STOP!" The two men were grabbing his arms and dragging him away harshly.

Y/n stomped her foot. The ground shook, the cement was now crumpling and her eyes were now glowing purple. "Let him go." She commanded. The two men stayed in their positions, however, their actions was much worst. The tall men were now punching Taehyung with one hand. It may have looked stupid from a citizen's perspective, but not for Taehyung. It was complete hell.

Without anymore patience, Y/n raised her hands, causing the huge rock-formed hands to erupt from the ground. "I said let. Him. GO!" She punched the floor which separated all three men onto separate cement circles. The middle circle, which Taehyung was on, was brought closer to Y/n. "Stay behind me." She commanded. He ran behind her and hid like a five year old.

She stared at the man on the left. "You." Her rock hands became larger. "Touch any innocent person again, you die." He never nodded so fast in his life. "Actually, let's make sure you never ever get a chance to..." Y/n smirked as she squished the man like the bug he is. His scream of pain was music to her ears.

Her purple eyes were now rested on the man on the right circle. "And you." The man gasped out of fear. "I know there might be more of your kind. Let what you witnessed be a lesson to not do such... childish things anymore. Got it?" The man didn't answer. "GOT IT?!" The rock fists slammed into the floor, causing the ground to shake vigorously. "Y-Yes. I g-got it."

Y/n closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and calmed down. Once she was calm, everything went back to normal. Well, except the squished "bug." The man stood up and ran quickly.

Once everything seemed normal, all Taehyung could do was stare at this... thing out of curiosity and a little bit of fear. She chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." She smiled wholeheartedly. "I promise." She held her pinky out. "Yeah yeah. Can we just go back home?" "I thought we were going to eat." Y/n pouted. "I think we have had enough adventure outside for tonight." Y/n smiled. 'How is she so pure but so ruthless?' Taehyung thought. 'Cute.' He smiled and pet her hair. Her eyes widened and her cheeks, rosy.

Not only has Taehyung peed his pants, he made a promise with this creature. What has he gotten himself into?

??? POV

"She s-strong sir." The man said as the nurses were attending his wounds. "She killed him like nothing. She's a MONSTER!" The man in charge slapped his face. "Pull yourself together. She kills my henchmen, I'll just have to kill her precious possession."

"Who would that be?"

A/n: I wanted to update because I may be a little too busy so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Remember to smile and make people laugh!


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