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Part 2
P.s: this is a long chapter.


Y/n ran out of the house to find Tae as quick as she could.

'So much for it being a peaceful night'

She groaned to herself as she continued running.

As she was running, a familiar scent was picked up. TAEHYUNG!

She stopped and found him hiding in a bush. "Tae!" He looked so relieved to see her. Now he knew he was protected. "W-Who was that man?" Y/n knew he wouldn't understand how their world works. More importantly, their minds.

"A bad man. But listen Tae. And even worst man is coming after me.... a-and you." She looked down. "W-Why me too?" He asked. "He knows that we have a bond. Trust me..... this man....... he is the most evil human being in the world. He is equipped with everything. So that means we need to be extra careful." "How do you know all this stuff?" He asked. She didn't answer. Answering that question made her think of all her savage ways.

"I-I just do."

Footsteps were around the bush. Chuckling was heard. "Well hello Y/n." His smirk was sharp and his eyes were pitch black. "I see we meet like this. Unfortunately I'm not here for you today. But for this gentleman." He started at Tae and threw a rope around his neck, suffocating him.

Y/n dare not touch that rope for us was poisoned. The one thing all her powers couldn't resist. Corge. But she had other options.

Y/n had created a blade with her hands and sliced bossman's arm off, causing him to scream in pain. Tae was let go from the hold and coughed vigorously.

"LET'S GO!" Y/n grabbed his arms and started speed run. Unfortunately, bossman was already ahead of the game.

With bossman standing in front of them, and millions of soldiers, monsters surrounding them. The hope they had to escape was reduced to 0.5%

"Just give up Y/n. He is a puny human that has a short lifespan." His words caused Y/n to boil. All those hateful words were words she once said as well.

"I know he seems perfect but sweetheart..... you know me. You know me better than anyone." His words started to have sympathy and caring features which was putting Y/n in a trance.

A trance she dared not to fall into.

"Y-Y/n?" Tae questioned her thoughts.

"Oh kid! You don't know the Y/n I know. You see son," The powerful man had pulled Y/n with the chain, the one that was suffocating Tae earlier. It was wrapped around her neck. A couple of other soldiers started to throw the same chains at her as well. Now her arms were chained as well.

"This cute little ball of sunshine," He squished her cheeks, "was a ruthless monster. Killing anyone she could. She got everything she wanted."

"NO!" Tae couldn't see that side of her. He knew she had done terrible things but he knew the new version. The beautiful version.

"She would rally up humans just watch their own kind die. It was truly my proudest moments. To see my creations succeed in power." He laughed.

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