Chapter 3

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You woke up in the morning looking forward to school, in the last week you had had bought you two cars, one simple Ford Focus and then a Mercedes, it was a really nice convertible Mercedes  with white leather seats and color changing lighting on the inside.

When you got ready you looked as sexy as possible, you wore a Vintage teeshirt with a motorcycle on it, ripped jean short shorts, a red plaid flannel over the top and many studded bracelets.  You also wore black timberlands, deep red lipstick, and perfectly done eye makeup. 

You left to school in your new Mercedes. When you arrived at school everyone was looking at you in the car, you looked around and all eyes on were on you, even the group of seven boys standing by the entrance of the school. You stepped out of your car, it was time.

(Yoongi's POV)

"Shoot! Who's that?" Namjoon asked noticing everyone looking at a nice car that had just pulled up. A gorgeous girl stepped out of the car and closed it. She took of her sunglasses and placed them on her head. I was completely awestruck as I watched her. She walked with her backpack nonchalantly thrown over her shoulder. That slight sway in her hips drove me crazy as I watched her.

"I like her shoes," Jungkook said referring to her black timperlands. The girl brushed her hair back with her fingers in the most perfect way. As she walked past the group of us seven I was amazed about her grace.

"Dang," I said, "She's hot... but why does she look so... familiar?"

(Your POV)

You started to giggle as you walked in the building after seeing Yoongi stand with his mouth wide open in shock, you could have sworn his chin almost touched the grass he was standing on. Now the question was, did he recognize you? You walked over to your locker and opened it just to have someone's hand come and slam it closed in front of you. I forgot this was "romantic" in Korea. I took a deep breath. Confident, strong, rich, sexy. You repeated those words in your head over and over again as you turned around. There was no way Yoongi knew this was your locker... right? You turned around and sure enough, there Yoongi stood, still obviously clueless of your identity.

"Can I help you?" You asked as Yoongi stared you down. You stepped out of the cage his arm and body were creating, and into the open space of the hall.

"That all depends on you," Yoongi said, his eyes trailing you as you walked behind him. Your phone started buzzing, it was one of your American friends, it must be late, but this is the perfect time to show off more of what you had.

"Hello?" You answered sweetly in a perfect American accent. Your friend started babbling away and every time you spoke English Yoongi looked like he was going to explode. You decided to lean against the lockers on the opposite wall. When the bell rang you didn't move and that obviously made Yoongi all the more attracted to you. He was already caught in this "Fake identity" of yours and you were ready to make him blow. You just went from a nerd to a bad girl. You ended the call with your friend and put your phone back in your pocket. You began walking to class, paying Yoongi no heed as you walked away from him. He started trailing you and you both took your seats.

"Min Yoongi... Late again," The teacher clicked her tongue as she marked down something on a clipboard. Her gaze dropped on you, "Do I know you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry to be late Ms. Park," You said giving her a polite bow, "It's me, Kim Y/N."

"Oh, Y/N? Why are you late?" The teacher asked, Yoongi looked either shocked or angry, you couldn't tell which. You smirked at him before returning to your innocent look with your teacher.

"I was on a call with one of my American friends, I would have been here on time but it costs a lot of money for them to call me and I didn't wasn't to be a waste," you explained. 

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