Chapter 4

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You woke up in the morning early and chose your outfit and makeup. You had asked the previous night that your breakfast be brought up to you in the morning. You slipped into your outfit for the day, once again looking as good as possible. You decided on a black batman shirt with black shorts, on one of the sides it had many small comic strips while on the other side the pocket was studded. You also wore a batman hat, black ankle boot heels, and a black backpack. You also had black lipstick, and slightly darker eyeshadow.

You ate your breakfast when it came and then headed to school in your Mercedes, this time everyone didn't look as surprised but everyone still looked at your car. You walked into the school nonchalantly and sighed when you saw Yoongi leaning against your locker when you arrived.

"Trying this again?" He asked, "It won't work this time."

"Trying what?" You asked unloading books into your locker and shutting it.

"To impress me," Yoongi said as if it was obvious.

"Me? Impress you?" You laughed, "Maybe in your dreams. Why would I try to impress someone I want to strangle on a daily basis?" Yoongi looked confused.

"Then why would you go from a total nerd to..." Yoongi's voice trailed off as I smirked at him.


(Yoongi's POV)


"To?" Y/N asked. I stood there and watched her smirk up at me. You cheeky little trickster.

"To trying to look hot," I said. Y/N took off her had and shook her hair before putting her had back on. Or just looking hot in general.

(Your POV)

"To trying to look hot," Yoongi said. You glared at him and fixed your hat.

"I don't have to try," You said slinging your bag over your shoulder. The bell rang and you got off to class. Yoongi grabbed your wrist and jerkily turned you around, you glared at him... again, "What do you want?" you asked.

"I don't want to go to class," Yoongi said.

"That's great, why are you telling me?" You said.

"Let's skip," Yoongi said.

"No thanks," You immediately shut down his proposal, "Do what you want, I have better things to do then skip school with you." (Random note from the author! I'm currently listening to BlackPink's cover of So Hot and my life has never been better XD anyway back to the story.)

"I try to invite you to do something fun and you just shoot me down... ouch," Yoongi said.

"Oh boo-hoo," you said, "Let go of me now," Yoongi released your wrist. You turned around and started walking to class.

"Skipping is no fun if I don't have anyone to do it with," Yoongi called after you.

"Than don't skip," You said, "I'll see you around," You walked down the hall and went to class. To your surprise Yoongi walked in a little after you did. He sat down next to you and the lesson began again. You didn't pay Yoongi any special attention and he didn't talk to you much that day. When you got home you went to your room again and started.

"Sorry to interrupt your studying ma'am," your maid walked in, "But Mr. Kim wishes to see you in the dining room this evening, you have very important guests. He also requests that you wear something suitable to host guests in," she said bowing.

"Thanks you, I will. Also, before you leave, what's your name?" You asked.

"My name is Annabeth," She said, "I was born in Europe."

"Anna it is," You said. She bowed and left the room while you changed into something more fancy. You decided on a knee length, navy blue, flowy dress with a thin brown belt and strappy brown cork wedges. You put some of your hair into a large fancy braid while curling the rest of it. You had simple, elegant eyeshadow and light pink lipstick.

You walked downstairs escorted by Annabeth. She opened the dining room door for you and you entered to see Yoongi sitting in one of the seats, on one side of him sat a man about your father's age who had a neatly trimmed beard and wore a suit. Yoongi was also in a suit along with your father. You stood in shock for a moment and then regained the elegant manner in which you had been taught to address guests in. You bowed to them  and they bowed their heads to you as well. You sat across from Yoongi who immediately started smirking, you kicked him under the table as your meal was brought to you.

"This is my princess, Y/N," Your dad said.

"Harley Quinn," Yoongi said, "That's who you remind me of, Harley Quinn."

"Excuse me?" You asked as politely as you could.

"I take it you two know each other?" Yoongi's dad asked.

"Yes we have quite a few classes together in school," You said trying to hide your bitter tone.

"Harley here has quite good grades if memory serves me correctly," Yoongi said.

"It's Y/N," You corrected sternly, "So dad why are they here?"

"They're merely here to discuss business, we wanted you and Yoongi to meet each other but it appears no introductions were needed," Your dad said, "Why don't you and Yoongi go to your room while us old ones talk business," Your dad said. Why couldn't he just let you go alone? You nodded and stood up, "Oh and before you go, Yoongi is staying in our home for a bit while the Min's get their house renovated."

"Completely understandable," You said, your words betrayed everything you were thinking. You and Yoongi walked out of the room, "Anna, please prepare the guest room for Yoongi," You told your maid. Annabeth nodded and took off. You silently lead Yoongi to your room, any attempts at conversation he made were shut down by your silence. When you entered your room you took your hair out and let it flow freely.

(Yoongi's POV)

I watched as Y/N took her hair out in the mirror as I sat on the edge of her bed. She sat down on the chair she had pushed into her desk and looked at me. Dang she was gorgeous.

"Finally deciding to look at me?" I asked sarcastically. She looked like a gentile flower looking back at me, even if she did look annoyed.

"I guess so," She said. That dress looks amazing on her. I couldn't help but let my mind wander as I looked at her.

"So what should we do? Spying isn't exactly fun when our parents are deciding how to fuse their companies together into one," I said. Y/N sighed.

"I don't know, i have a few board games in here, maybe a deck of cards," Y/N said.

"You have nothing fun," I said.

(Your POV)

Yoongi sat on the corner of your bed. He took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. Right then someone gently knocked on the door and I knew almost immediately that it was Annabeth.

"Come in," you called out. Annabeth immediately bowed upon entrance.

"I'm so sorry ma'am," She said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"I'm afraid we cannot give the guest bedroom to Yoongi. Upon your father's request, Mr. Min will be staying in your room," She said still bowed. I gulped and Yoongi and I shared wide eyed looks.

(What will happen to Y/N and Yoongi when they share a room? Also HORRAY! I finally got the second update for this week out! Sorry it took so flippin long! I had a very hectic week, for the beginning I was cleaning from coming home from overseas and then I was at my friends house for many days because I hadn't seen them for at least two and a half weeks. And then to top it all off I got sick! Horray... anyway again sorry it came out so late! Love you all! -ShadowGirffen.)

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