Chapter 6

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You woke up in the morning and looked over at Yoongi who was still peacefully sleeping at a very safe distance from you. It was all a dream.  Why were you a little disappointed?  YAH! SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N! You went into your closet and threw on some clothes for school. You decided on a black, sleeveless crop top, white jeans with holes, a blue and white plaid flannel, and black converse.

You came out of your closet in your outfit and Yoongi, who had apparently woken up while you were in the closet, was immediately awestruck, "how's this?" You asked. Yoongi just nodded. He soon after stood up and went into the closet. He came out in a simple pair of jeans with a white shirt and then a gray collared shirt unbuttoned on the top. You two went to school and spent practically the entire school day together. It was the last day of school, so most of your classes were super chill.

"Hey nerd," A boy waled up to your, it was someone from Yoongi's group. Yoongi followed quietly behind.

"What do you want Taehyung?" You asked placing your hand on your hip.

"Just came over to invite you to an end of the year party," Tae said handing you a slip of paper. You looked over the cheaply made invite, it was sloppily written address on a torn piece of lined paper with a simple "your invited" at the top. They all walked away but Yoongi trailed behind.

"You should come today Harley Quinn,"  he said, "and if you get bored I can entertain you myself," he whispered into your ear.

"I'll see you there Joker," You said. Yoongi turned around and ran to catch up with the other boys.  Entertain you myself? What the heck did that mean?  You couldn't stop your mind from wandering as you walked out of the building to your car. You assumed that Yoongi had boarded his bus to his house, you were surprised to find him in the front seat of your car just like he always was, just sitting there on his phone, his blonde hair falling around his face.

"What are you doing in my car?" You asked. Yoongi looked up and shrugged.

"Didn't want to go to my house yet," Yoongi said as if it was obvious. He redirected his attention back to his phone.

"Ooooookay," you said walking around and getting into the car. The engine roared to life as you pulled out of the school parking lot. Everything was usual, Yoongi was on his phone the whole ride, his dyed blonde hair whipping around his face, and you had your gloved hands on the wheel occasionally using one to brush your hair out of your face. Yoongi jumped over the car door instead of opening it and getting out, as usual. It was just like any of the other days he was meant to stay at your house. You both walked up to your room and studied for about an hour. You struggled the most. He usually ended up helping you and then returning to his work and finishing much faster than you. today Yoongi was working double time and finished his last few questions on his homework by the time you finished the first one.

"What's the rush Joker?" You asked.

"Nothing," Yoongi said, "Just wanted to get done... find my party clothes."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that..." you said, your mind immediately wandered to what Yoongi has said earlier I'll entertain you myself. You stayed quiet though. You returned to your work and before you knew it you were already calling for Yoongi. when he exited your closet your head turned away as your face flushed red. Yoongi had been shirtless and he had abs... like serious abs, "y-you know what never-never mind I-I think I can take care of myself for this one, you-you finish up in there," you said. Your hand slowly inched towards your inhaler as an extra precaution. Yoongi walked up next to you putting one arm on the back of your char and the other one on the desk.

"What's the problem?" Yoongi asked nonchalantly.

"Abs.... ABSTRACT! These questions are really weirdly worded," you said, your eyes wandered back to his extremely defined chest. Your hand reached into a drawer and closed around your inhaler.

"Well for starters..." Yoongi began launching into a while explanation of how to do the problem, not that you were paying attention, you were focusing on breathing at the moment. When he wasn't looking you took a few quick breaths from your inhaler, "are you listening?"

"You're making 'listening' a bit hard," you said, "and besides, I'm bored, I don't want to finish this right now." You closed your binder and turned your chair away from Yoongi to put your stuff away, "go put on a shirt you idiot," you said not turning back to him. Yoongi sighed and leaned on the back of your char causing you to lean back and look up at him with your arms crossed. This was also a usual thing for Yoongi to do and no matter what it always annoyed you.

"What?" You asked looking up at him with an annoyed expression. He just smirked down at you which almost immediately began to get on your nerves, "don't think just because I call you Joker means anything," you said, "It just fits you."

"Come on, you started calling me Joker way after I started calling you Harley Quinn," Yoongi said, "And besides, Joker and Harley date in the movies," he moved in close to your ear causing his lips to gently brush against your earlobe, "why can't they in real life?"

A knock on the door caused Yoongi's head to shoot up, "Who is it?" You called out.

"It's Annabeth ma'am!" she yelled through the door. You practically threw Yoongi back into your closet before tearing out some random notebook and shoving your glasses on the bridge of your nose.

"Come in!" You called. Annabeth stepped in and bowed.

"Mr. Kim requests to see you in his office, Mr. Min is here as well," Annabeth bowed and left. Yoongi emerged from the closet now wearing a white shirt with a black bandana tied around his neck. He was also wearing a black beanie. You two went downstairs and entered your dad's elegantly decorated office. You bowed to Yoongi's father and he gave you a small nod.

"You wanted to see us?" You asked as your father, once again assuming your more mannered part of your personality.

"Ahh yes princess," Your father said, " we have found a way to fuse our companies into one!" Your dad said with high spirits.

"Oh? that's amazing dad! How are you going to do it?" You asked.

"As the future heirs of our companies we are going to marry our families together! You two will be married before the end of the summer!" You were completely dumbfounded.

"W-What?" You and Yoongi said at the same time.

"But dad! you didn't even think to ask me?" You sputtered.

"Father?" Yoongi said angrily. Yoongi's father took on a dangerous look.

"You will do as you're told Min Yoongi," his father said. Yoongi looked pissed, he didn't know you would throw yourself into the crossfire. Yoongi has told you that his father lost his temper easily, things could get pretty nasty, Yoongi had even been hit a few times.

"Yoongi," you said grabbing his wrist. He looked back at you and glared, you hadn't seen this ever since the first day you met him. He pushed you off of him and you hit the bookshelves hard. He immediately started to tear up as you hit the wall.

"MIN YOONGI!" his father bellowed angrily. You immediately moved yourself between Yoongi and his dad holding your arm out defensively as you glared at his father.

"As the future of this company," You struggled for breath and balance, "I order you to leave this house," You growled. You could feel your breaths becoming more labored and painful. Mr. Min looked bewildered and angry, "THE FUTURE OF YOUR COMPANY LIES WITHIN THE CHOICE YOU MAKE NOW!" you stumbled back a little bit and Yoongi had to stable you as you glared up at his father, " IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE YOU WILL DEMOLISH ANY CHANCE OF FUSING YOUR COMPANIES! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" you yelled. Mr. Min stomped out of the office, you heard the front door slam. Right after the noise of his exit rang through your ears you collapsed to the ground, Yoongi had tried to catch you but he was caught off guard, you held your chest and tried to gasp for air. Your lungs felt like they were caving in on themselves and Yoongi rushed out of the room but before he could get back you were already unconscious on the floor of your father's office.

(Author's Note: Hey guys! So first of all thanks for reading this far! I'm impressed! Don't think this is the end! There's still a few chapters to go! And second: thank you to anyone from ARMY Amino for reading this! It means a lot to me that you're helping me to achieve my goals of being an author! Thank you again guys! LOVE YALLS! -Shadowgriffen)

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