Chapter 8

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Your father sent you away to go buy your wedding dress, he already had the entire wedding planned and you and Yoongi were set to be married in one week. While you were out you were underwhelmed by the purchasing process. Nothing felt special, it wasn't the simple proposal from that one person who you knew everything about. No wedding planning. You had only known Yoongi for the first few months you had been in Korea and the first of those months was horrible. You fidgeted with the skirt of one of the wedding dresses you were trying. Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin decided to come with you while the rest went with Yoongi to get a tux. You stepped out to them and Jin looked so happy he was going to explode. Jimin nodded in approval and you couldn't really read Hoseok's expression, he had been wearing that sunshine smile of his every time he was with you.

"Look at my soon-to-be-sister-in-law all dressed up in these pretty dresses!" Hoseok said. Hoseok called you that a lot even though he had no relation to Yoongi at all.

"What do you think?" You asked looking at yourself in the mirror.

"I think this one is beautiful on you," Jin said. Jimin just nodded and smiled.

"So, is this one one I should get?" you asked unenthusiastically.

"Okay, we have been dress shopping for three hours and you haven't even cracked a smile," Jin said putting his hand on your shoulder, "What's got you down Harley?"

"You don't like the dress? Heaven knows you can afford everything in this store," Hoseok said.

"No, not the dress, the whole wedding in general," you said, "I know Yoongi is on board with this whole forced marriage thing, it's apparent with the way he treats me now. Everything just feels... fake," You folded your arms as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Fake huh," Jimin said,(IM SO SICK OF THIS FAKE LOOOVE! I'm sorry I'll go away now)  "sometimes we don't get our fairy tale endings, it's part of life. The most you can do is make it fun, sometimes that's hard but we've got to make the most out of life."

"You're right," you said, "I'll get this one dress and go home, I have a lot to do."

After you bought the dress the boys dropped you off at your house. You went upstairs to your room to find Yoongi laying in your bed with his phone above him. He looked over at you as soon as the door clicked shut.

"It's about time you got back," he said. You gave him a half-hearted smile and walked into your closet, hanging your dress as though it was just another item of clothing. When you exited you sat in your desk chair without even looking at Yoongi. You began to mindlessly play some random game just to avoid talking with Yoongi. He walked over leaning his weight on the back of your chair causing you to look up at him, "What's wrong?" he asked slightly worried.

"I'm fine," you said.

"No your not," Yoongi said.

"Please just leave me alone," you said, your words came out bitterly. Yoongi looked slightly hurt and carefully took his weight off of your chair.

"Just tell me what's wrong," he said gently.

"I said go away!" You said raising your voice to just below a yell. Yoongi went quiet for a bit.

"I'm going to go out for a bit then," he said with a pain streaked voice. He grabbed his phone and earbuds and left without another word. That worried you, Yoongi almost never left without telling you where he was going, he usually had to brag about wherever he was going even if it's just to the local grocery store to pick up a few snacks. You took so long to process what just happened that by the time you got downstairs slightly winded Yoongi was all ready out of the door. I did something wrong, I did something so wrong.  You repeated that in your mind over and over again. It was raining outside, how clichè. You ran back to your room and threw on some warm clothes knowing that even if you found Yoongi he would be worried that you're out there in sweats and a tee-shirt. You quickly decided on a large gray sweater, some thick leggings, gray socks and some dark brown boots.

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