Chapter 7

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"Y/N," the sound was faint, "Y/N," your eyes began to flutter open, the world around you was blurry and completely unidentifiable, "Harley," you were being shaken as the voice slowly became more and more clear, "Harley Quinn," the voice was clear now as your surroundings came into focus. You were still laying on your father's office floor but now you were pulled up against something firm and... warm. Yoongi's worried face was hovering above yours as your mind began to process what was happening. When you finally came to your senses  you gasped for breath and fell out of Yoongi's arms onto the floor, you scrambled into a kneeling position and put your hand in front of your mouth to feel your own warm breath against the palm of your hand. You looked up at Yoongi wide eyed and threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you and started rubbing your back.

"It's okay, he's gone now," Yoongi assured you.

"That's not it," You said thinking of when Yoongi pushed you against the bookcase.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," He said into your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder, "I shouldn't have pushed you away like that, I'm so sorry."

You pulled back and put your hands on his shoulders looking him dead in the eye, "never let that part of you come out please... it... it scares me," You said. You took a steady breath and then smiled, "So what about that party?" You asked.

"I don't want to go," Yoongi said. Your smile dropped.

"Well you're going," you said cute yet firm way. "now if you don't mind, I'm going to go fine my outfit," you stood up and helped Yoongi onto his feet. You two went to your bedroom. Yoongi kept his distance, strange for the boy who kept trying to annoy you. You entered your closet and came out in your party outfit. You decided on a dress that accented your curves and fit you like a glove. It was white and had lacing up the front, the top of the lace slightly loose. You also wore light tan, thigh high, velvet boot heels.

(Yoongi's POV)

Y/N emerged from the closet and my heart started thumping so fast. Seeing her in tis dress turned me on, of course I wouldn't show it, at least I'd try not to. Her hair was tousled and bulled to the side and... her lips... so full and gorgeous.

"So with this whole marriage thing," She said. Oh yeah, I forgot about that, "Does this technically mean you're my fiancé now?"

"I guess so," I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, "So this means I have permission to kiss you whenever I want, right?"

"Why? Do you want to?" She asked, she could keep her expression sassy but she couldn't hide the slight tint of red creeping onto her face.

"Yeah kind of," I said. Now the red was really hitting her cheeks as she laughed and looked down. She started to walk towards me and Shen she stood in front of me she leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. When she looked at me she smiled shyly.

"Our senior year will go out with a bang," She said with a cute giggle.

(Your POV)

You drove in your car to Taehyung's house. It was smaller but still large enough to host a decent sized party. you and Yoongi both entered and the music was immediately blaring in your ears. Solo cups were littered across the floor and it smelled of beer. You felt Yoongi slip something into your hand. When you looked down at your hand was clasped around your inhaler. He smiled at you.

"You forgot it," he said simply. You transferred your inhaler into your other hand and wrapped your pinkie around his. You hated these kinds of parties, but you thought that it might help Yoongi loosen up from the previous fight. Yoongi helped you navigate as you shyly followed behind him holding onto his pinkie. Yoongi eventually made it so you were holding his hand completely so he could keep you closet to him. At some point in all of the blaring music and yelling you told Yoongi that you were going to go outside for a breath. On your way there you bumped into someone and muttered an inaudible, "Sorry."

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