Chapter 9

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(Quick thing before you start! THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! Im sorry that this story is short but I hope you enjoy!)

You stood in the room where you just slopped into your wedding dress, butterflies tickled at your stomach as you looked at yourself in the mirror once again. The dress barely reached the floor, the top was made of lace with lace straps over your shoulders. The bottom part of the dress flowed openly also decorated with lace. You held a pink and white bouquet in your hand as your hair fell down your back. a few thin flowers were intertwined with your hair. Annabeth had full credit for helping you into your dress and doing your hair up.

She now stood behind you grinning like there was no tomorrow. You were so nervous as you walked to where the large doors stood separating you from the crowd outside. You took a deep breath and the doors opened revealing a large group of people you didn't know, your dad had invited them to show that the companies were merging together. However, in the front row of all the seats your mother stood smiling softly. She was the first to stand up as you began to walk down the aisle. At the front of it all Yoongi stood smiling as he watched you walk towards him. Behind him stood six dorks smiling from ear to ear as you took Yoongi's hands and the priest started.

"Do you, Min Yoongi, take Kim Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do," He said squeezing your hand a little as you both smiled at each other.

"And do you, Kim Y/N, take Min Yoongi to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest turned to you.

Without a doubt in your mind you answered, "I do."

Even the priest began smiling, "then I now pronounce you man and wife," The priest said, "you may kiss the bride," before you knew it your arms were wrapped around Yoongi's neck and his hands were around your waist as you two kissed, and even though the only people cheering for you were the six boys, you and Yoongi could tackle the world together now, hand in hand, never to be separated again... or so you thought.

(Author's note: IM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER IS SUPER SHORT! HOWEVER! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT TOWARDS ME! Special thanks to anyone from Army Amino who red to this chapter! You have truely shown me more love then I could ever hope for and I can never thank you enough for supporting me through these first rugged steps to being an author! I love you guys! Saranghaeyo! OH! I suppose I should explain the whole... or so you thought... uhmmm.... maybe later. Look forward to shorts coming out on my wattpad thingie It will be called BTS shorts! Ill make sure that you know which ones pertain to this specific story and which ones are just random things that I wrote. The stories are made just to touch down on more of the relationships between Y/N and the boys. practically look forward to a bunch of fluff! Love yalls! -ShadowGriffen)

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