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"Drew the party has barely started!" My friend and roommate Ryland yells to me. She is a lightweight, two drinks in and she is already swaying on her feet. As much as I hate to leave her like that, I have a job interview, and I refuse to be late due to a hangover.

"Sorry, make sure you get a taxi or an uber." I yell to her and start walking down the street. I'm walking fast, not due to the party being in a bad neighborhood, even though that factors in a little. More because I'm scared of the dark.

My feet ache in the four inch stilettos Ryland forced me into. But if I take them off there is a pretty good chance I'll step on broken beer bottles of rusty nails. Like I said, bad neighborhood. I just keep my head down, and hope to avoid all attention drawn to me.

"Sorry ma'am." A guy with a low voice says after bumping into me. I don't bother answering, I just keep walking away. I think I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't question it. It could be another kid from the party, or someone walking home from a job. This is New York, so people in this part of town walk everywhere.

I'm only about two blocks away from my apartment, when I know the footsteps are getting louder and more defined. Running. My brain thinks it might be someone out for a jog, but my heart convinces me to start running as well, despite my aching feet.

Something about this whole situation screams bad to me. As a major in psychology, I should know to listen to my brain, but for some reason I have lost the ability too. I wish I had the parents that taught me how to defend myself, but I didn't.

On a good day I can't run very fast, but in four inch stilettos, my ability is shortened even further. So soon enough I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, hoping to find out it's a drunk kid from the party I just left. But the hood was too dark that I couldn't really tell.

I shrug him off and try to get away from him, but this time, he grabs my arms and swings me into an alleyway. I know from watching TV shows and movies how this goes. I try to run around him but he catches me and shoves me against a wall.

I vaguely feel him removing my jacket, before it all goes black.

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