Chapter 8

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He's letting me call him Theo. That was my only thought as I walked up the stairs to my apartment. I've already begun looking and I decided I'd get a place closer to the diner. The shorter the walk the less amount of time someone has to get me again. I couldn't help but shudder at the thought. He's back, I thought it was a one time thing, but it never was. The guy is completely obsessed, he'll never leave me alone.

With my hands still shaking I take a deep breath. I need to act strong for Tom. Once the shaking had died down a little I placed the key into the lock of my door, but it was already open. I was about to freak out and go find the cop until I remembered that I told Tom to meet me here. I just sighed, Tom always leaves the door open. Sure enough when I open the door he is laying down on my couch watching TV.

"What have I told you about locking the door?" I said, placing my purse on the counter. He stood up and stretched and watched me as I went to the fridge.

"I was hoping the dude would come here so I could beat his ass." Tom said shrugging. I just froze, I certainly wasn't hoping that. I hope he moves to Alaska, or South America. Anywhere away from me.

"Trust me Tom, you're the only one that thinks that." I said resuming my activity of heating up some noodles.

"I'm sorry Drew, I'm just fuming. If I had been there I wouldn't have let him get away, like that stupid Detective." He said mumbling. I jammed my finger into the buttons then gave him a glare.

"Shaw was just doing his job, the only reason he didn't catch him was because he was making sure that I was okay. You would've done the same thing." I said quietly. I was never one for confrontation but when he insulted Theo it just made my blood boil. Tom was clearly surprised, I had never fought with him before.

"If it meant catching him I wouldn't. You'll never be okay until he's caught." He said and walked back to the living room. I just sighed and joined him.

"He threatened you Tom." I whispered. His head shot over to me and his eyes widened.

"Then he's been stalking you for a long time. We became friends at the hospital." He said. He was ignoring the main thing I said.

"You're not listening, he threatened you!" I said with more authority. He just rolled his eyes.

my eyes. Tom may be attractive, but he smoked too much in high school and drinks too much now. He may have muscle, but he is nowhere close to this guy. Unlike Shaw who is just strong in every way.

"Fine, let him come. I've been waiting for a chance to beat his skull in." Now it was my turn to roll

"Tom, this guy is insane. He has this delusion that I love him. He keeps on calling me Starlight." I say, muttering the last part. I still don't know where that came from.

"He calls you what?" Tom asks, like I just told him the secret to life.

"Um, Starlight. Why?" I question.

"Nothing, I was just wondering." He said leaning back. He is acting weird, a little too weird, then I thought of something.

"Tom stand up and walk in a straight line." I demanded. He looked up at me slowly and just chuckled.

"Drew, come on." He said, "You were attacked tonight, my drinking is not a problem." Tom has stages depending on the amount he's drank. I think he's at stage five, crazy.

"You know you're not allowed to enter my home drunk. I'll call you a taxi, you can collect your car in the morning." I said whilst lifting him off my couch.

"Are you serious, no way! You were just attacked tonight I'm not leaving you alone." He started fighting me.

"I'm under police watch, if anything happens Theo will be here first." I said ushering him out the door. It's only when he's outside when he finally replies.

"So it's Theo now? You guys are on a first name basis with this guy." He mutters, I don't think he meant for me to hear him, but I did.

"Tom I have one rule. Never come hear drunk. You broke that for the third time and I'm sick of it. I'll call you tomorrow" I said, pretending that I hadn't heard his remark. He's too drunk to think clearly.

"Yeah whatever." He said walking down the stairs. I quickly shut the door and locked it. Even though he was drunk, he also had a point. I really don't want to be alone. Now that I'm alone my thoughts are free to consume me. All I can think about is him, and Starlight. What does it mean?

The word itself means light from the stars which is obvious, but why. It was night time the first time he attacked me, the last thing I remember is looking up at the stars, wondering when it was going to be over.

And then there's how much he knows about me. Sure it was in the same location as last time, but it wasn't like he constantly camped out there night after night. He must've known my schedule.

Lastly there's Theo Shaw. It's strange that as soon as he showed up all this started again. Maybe this guy saw that they reopened the case. But it still doesn't make much sense. The way he talked about Shaw, it was like he had a vendetta against him. But that's impossible, Shaw just moved here from Chicago, he's probably never even step foot in New York. Plus, my attacker shouldn't feel jealous, I just met Theo three days ago. This whole scene is confusing.

But before I could continue down that train of thought there was a knock at my door. I jumped from my place at my counter, I was so deep in thought that the slightest noise would've startled me, so a knock that forceful freaked me out.

It must be him, he's come for me again. I should've known not to send Tom home. At the very least he would just be some extra backup. But I sent him home, so I just need to be a big girl and deal with my consequences. Another hard knock sounds and I run to my room. In my closet I manage to dig out my old softball bat that I haven't used in ten years roughly. I can hear consistent knocking so I run out to the small foyer.

Not even to bothering looking through the peephole, I open the door quickly and swing. But something manages to block it.

"Easy there."

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