Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

When I walked into the small rundown shop I spotted Detective Shaw at a table looking at some papers. But unlike our encounter at the cafe, he wasn't alone. A women with short black hair and striking blue eyes sat with him.

"Detective Shaw?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want to interrupt them. He didn't acknowledge me, just nodded. I turned to the women and found her gazing at me, a much more welcoming smile planted on her face.

"Detective Holla, pleased to meet you Drew." She said extending a hand my way. I shook her hand, liking her immediately.

"Well, it's clear who the people person is in your partnership." I said glaring at Detective Shaw. Holla began choking on her water and Shaw just glared at me.

"You never told me she was funny Theo." Holla said and he just rolled his eyes. Theo Shaw, good to know.

"It's because she isn't Mae." He said and she just flipped him off. The playful banter made me feel at ease, I'm glad I wasn't dealing with two Shaw's.

"For what it's worth, I think you're hilarious." She said rubbing my arm. Shaw tensed up, but relaxed when he saw I wasn't scared.

"Let's get back to the case." He said grumbling and I just gave him an apologetic smile. Holla removed her arm and grabbed the papers Shaw was holding.

"Okay, what information do you need?" I asked. I had to keep reminding myself to stay calm. Patty's voice floats into my head. Whenever I got to scared or anxious she'd tell me 'they are just memories, they can't hurt you'. I would need all the shrink advice today.

"Can you just tell us what you remember?" Shaw asked pulling out a pen and notepad, similar to the one I use at work.

"Not much, I was walking home from a party, a man bumped into me then began following me. Next thing I know my head was hitting the concrete and he was taking off my clothes." I said and Shaw just looked at me.

"That's all?" He questioned. He started doing the eye thing again, where he was trying to look deeper.

"Don't use that tone with her, I know it isn't memory loss but it could be her brain trying to block it out." Holla defended me quickly. Good, I didn't want to have to walk out again.

"Tom says he found me in an alley with a sheet laid over me. He said I didn't have any clothes on and there was blood everywhere." I told Holla and she began rubbing my arm again.

"Who is Tom?" She asked and gave Shaw a look. I think she was telling him to shut up with her eyes. I knew I liked her.

"He's my friend, he is the only- well one of the only males I'm comfortable around." I said. I don't know why I bothered correcting myself, but I found that I couldn't lie with Holla's soothing rubs and Shaw's gaze.

"Did you know him before the attack?" Holla asked. I shook my head no and Shaw wrote something down.

"Is he the male that carried you to the hospital?" Shaw asked looking again at the medical report. I nodded and Holla just gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yes, he found me on his way home from work. He used to work at a bar called Lloyd's. You can check with management." I said realizing they probably thought Tom was a suspect.

"Okay we will, I think that's all we need for now." Shaw said standing up and beginning to leave. And just like last time I find myself wishing he would stay with me. Protect me.

"Here Detective Holla." I said handing her a slip of paper with my address and phone number on it. With Ryland gone I'd feel better if the police knew how to find me.

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