Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"So how'd it go?" Tom asked as soon as I entered my apartment. He scared me so bad that I actually dropped the bag of fast food I had in my hand.

"God Tom, I told you not to sneak in here anymore!" I hissed at him and he just walked over and picked up my food.

"Sorry Drew. I just didn't want to go all the way home then have to come right back." He said placing my burger and fries on my counter. I hadn't eaten in the cafe tonight because I spent most of my time with Mae.

"Well, I met the other Detective. Her name is Mae Holla." I said taking a big bite of my juicy burger. I held back a moan, all I had was my protein shake for breakfast this morning.

"Okay, and what did you learn?" He asked sitting next to me. I quickly slapped his hand away as he reached for my fries. My eyes widen and I remember to throw on the deadbolt.

"Well, I didn't have memory loss, my brain is just blocking out what happened." I said going back to my burger. Tom is chewing but I don't even bother scolding him about taking my food. He just won't get breakfast if he stays over.

"Well, that's what the sessions with Patty are for. Figuring out what happened." He said taking another fry. I raise my eyebrows at him and he just innocently pops in into his mouth.

"I guess, I also became really good friends with Mae. She stopped by the cafe during my shift." I said getting up to go get water from the fridge. I feel Tom's eyes follow my movements I turn and see him look confused.

"Well, today was the last time you'll see them right?" He asked eating another fry. I shake my head.

"Why would it be the last time. When I remember I'll have to tell them what I know." I said and Tom's eyebrows shot up.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I felt kind of bad, I hadn't really been keeping him in the loop lately. I can't imagine how confusing this must be.

"I emailed Patty. I'm going to a session a week. While the case is still open I'm going to do everything I can to remember." I said firmly. I want this bastard caught, so I'm going to make my brain remember.

"Well, if you remember tell me first. I want to beat the guys ass." He said wiping his hands off and giving me a hug.

"I'll tell you and the Detective's at the same time, how about that?" I said. It's not that I didn't trust him, I just wouldn't want Tom to get into legal trouble. He just smirked.

"Course Drew. Higher authority and all that." He said ruffling my hair. I shoved him away and re did my hair in my classic pony tail.

"Shut up, and I told you not to do that." I said running to the bathroom to check in the bathroom. He followed me and stood in the doorway.

"Dang girl, you need a haircut." He said messing the ends of my hair, which had grown to my mid back when it's up. When it goes down it's practically at my waist.

"I haven't cut it since my mom died. She always did my hair." I said, and it's true. I always kept my hair short, only going down to my shoulders. But when my mom died, I wouldn't let anyone touch my hair, not even Ryland.

"Well, then that is just one step to getting over her death." Tom says as we go sit on the couch. I just shrug.

"I guess, but I find myself enjoying long hair. It's fun to play with." I say turning on Netflix. Tom and I have been binging Arrow.

"That's just an excuse and you know it. I'll cut your hair." He said nudging me.

"You most certainly will not! Have you cut anything other than the little lips off the Twizzlers package?" He just shook his head and I nodded my head. "Exactly, I'm not letting you near my face with a sharp object." I said and he chuckled.

'Did you get home okay - Shaw' My phone buzzed and lit up with the new message. Tom looked at it, then at me.

"Is he one of the Detective's on your case?" He asked and I nodded and replied.

'Yes, I got home just fine. You don't have to put your name, you're in my contacts. -Drew" I sent back and waited patiently for a response.

'Then why did you, and I'm glad you got home okay. -Shaw' He sent back, and laughed. He was right, I did put my name.

'Only because you did. Now get back to work -Drew' I sent back. I didn't expect to hear anything back, but surprisingly my phone buzzed once more. By now Tom was getting irritated.

'You're texting Theo. I can tell because he's smiling. Girl he never smiles. BTW it's Mae if you couldn't guess.' Now I laughed really hard.

"Okay Drew, I'm happy you have friends but this is our time." Tom said pointing at the TV. I calmed my laughter and leaned my head on his shoulder. We managed to get through two episodes before I finally told Tom to go home. Only when he left did I respond to Mae.

'Yes I was talking to detective Shaw, he just wanted to make sure I got home okay.' I sent back rolling my eyes in the process. I love Mae, but she has fantasy problems. I went and checked the deadlock, knowing Tom forgot to lock it. He always did.

'I told him you got home okay. I mean it was the first thing he asked when I got back to the station." Mae sent back. Immediately I felt a brush creep onto my cheeks. He was just being thoughtful. I thought. There was no possible way Theo Shaw liked me, or even enjoyed my company for that matter.

'Goodnight Mae,'

'It will be a goodnight, Paula isn't working night shift. Don't you wish Theo wasn't either.' My face started to heat up again.

'None of this enters polite conversation' I can't even imagine how awkward that would be, if not for me then for Detective Shaw.

'Yes ma'am' She sent back. I began to think about my conversations with Tom, how forced they seemed. Like I was on a leash and had to always be with him.

I hopped on my computer and sent an email to Patty. I'm still not one for shrinks, but I think I need her help on this one.

Small little filler chapter, please vote if you enjoyed!

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