Two Minor Villains

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Turns out dad's love for up carrying on the family tradition came in pretty handy; he had a pink and blue jet made for just such an emergency. Several seconds later, all suited up and ready to go, we reached the crime scene. "Leo, Bratt episode review stat!" I knew Leo watched all the canceled shows.

"This was close to the end of season 2, he's gonna use the gum bubbles to carry the city off into space!" "We can't let that happen! Pull up the binoculars and see where's he's at!" He pulled out a pair of high-tech ones from the glove compartment and looked around. "I see him! Oh..." he lowered them with a slightly pined look on his face. "That's gotta hurt." It was then when I saw the Bratt robot fall down, it's head rolling of like a cheap bobblehead toy. It wasn't long until we saw Bratt and uncle Gru get on top the robot, preparing for the final fight no doubt. I brought up the megaphone and ultra speakers.

"STOP!!!" They both froze, Gru looked confused, Bratt looked furious. "Why should I? There's nothing left for me to live for." Before socking unsuspecting Gru in the face, I unbuckled and stood on my seat.

"You're wrong Bratt, you've never been more wrong in your life!" Dad came running up, Lucy and the girls were close behind. "Oh really? And what do you know about being wrong Duchess?" He spat my name like it was poison, angry tears blurred my vision. "Because you know what you're feeling!!!" And without another word I started the music. Halfway through the first line, his eyes went wide as he gazed up at me, slowly returning my tearful smile. And for a moment, we were kids all over again; hopelessly in love and happy about it, nothing else mattered.

Just then Leo sneezed and jerked the open-roof jet, and me still without a seatbelt, stumbled and fell back first from the plane towards the road far below.

You know that moment you think; 'this is it, the moment I die' and everything falls quiet around you? That's what I felt, like everything was over for me. Tears slipped from my eyes as time slowed around me, as Leo shrank from my line of vision, as dad's voice sounded so far away. I wasn't afraid, I wasn't panicking, I was accepting it. At least I'd die knowing Bratt knowing I love him.

The catch was sudden, jolting me back to reality with gasp and jolting me again when I felt my saver hit the ground and wobble before steadying himself. I clutched onto his clothes for a moment longer, trembling like a leaf, before opening my eyes and looking up into the calm smile of:

"Bratt?" My voice was a tender whisper, unsure whether to believe it was true or not. "I have a springboard on my robot." We both glanced at the piece of purple metal that was still shaking slightly on a large spring. "I thought maybe-" I hugged him around the neck, hanging there against his chest, he paused before laying his arms on my back. We stood there for a moment or so longer before he lowered me to the ground and I loosened my grip, our foreheads pressed lightly against one another.

"I love you." I whispered, he barely flinched. "I love you too." And with his own dramatic flourish, he dipped me dancer style and kissed me, I smiled ever so faintly before kissing him back with all the love in my heart.

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