Perfectly Wrong Part 2 (song imagine 1.2)

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Shawn's Point Of View:

"I can't do this anymore," I cry.

I slowly breathe in and out, trying to regain my air and confidence. Once I am somewhat calm, I start the car and pull out of the parking lot. My mom always told me when I first started driving to drive when I calm and chill, not when I'm angry and shaky, because then I could get distracted and crash. Honestly, I could care less if I died, I know nobody would miss me.

About 10 minutes later I pull up to our house.

"Wooooo," I breathe.

I open the car door and step out, finding the key on my keyring for the house. I get to the front door and unlock it, finding Y/N on the couch watching cartoons.

"Hey baby," she says.

I try not to wince at the nickname and instead reply with a, "We need to talk."

"Geez, no hello?" she scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, no hello, now shut up and let me talk," I say, raising my voice.

She slumps back into the couch and nods.

"Why are you cheating on me?" I ask.

"I have no idea what you're talking about baby," she replied, clearly lying.

"Oh really?" I ask, sarcasm filling my words.

"I would never cheat, I told you that the day we started dating, we told each other," she lies again.

"Okay, then why do you always come home dripping in sweat, clothes on messy, and bed hair? I know that when someone goes to work at Starbucks their appearance doesn't change that much," I say, on the verge of tears.

"Well, I rush to get to work and-" she starts.

"Hun, you leave at 6:45 in the morning when you aren't supposed to be at work until 8:00, don't lie," I say, rolling my eyes.

A/N, Shawn always manages to be nice when he's supposed to be angry, lol

"Fine, yes, I cheated," she says, crossing her legs.

"Why? How could you? And to think I was gonna propose to you," I cry, voice raspy.

"Shawn, baby, when you're away on tour I get lonely, so this guy and I hooked up and kinda sorta have been seeing each other?" she half asks half says.

"I don't care!" I yell, getting angry now. "When I was on tour I waited for you, I could have hooked up with thousands of girls and I waited."

"Baby, we can make this work, you don't really wanna leave me, do you?" she asks.

"N-no," I stutter.

"What?" she asks, inching closer to me.

"I said, n-no," I stutter again.

Why can't I say no clearly and firmly?

By now Y/N has me pushed up against the wall and is kissing my neck.

"Stop, you... you cheated," I stammer.

"But you can't leave me Shawn, I love you," she demands

"But I-" I start.

She looks at me and then at the clock on the wall.

"I gotta get to work baby, I'll be back tonight," she says.

"Okay," I mumble.

It's already nighttime, and Starbucks closed 2 hours ago.

A/N, I have never been to Starbucks so I don't know their hours, so just roll with it.

"She's right," I cry, punching the wall. "I can't leave her."

Hi lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do you want a part 3 or nah, cause I have lots of chapter ideas coming your way. I am going to do stories based on some of Shawn's new songs, including already released ones like Nervous or Where Were You In The Morning? Okay?

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