sick day

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this imagine has little to no mild cursing, if you wanted to know before reading so you could skip it :)

y/n's point of view:
"Shawn," I croak, leaning my head against the headboard.

"Yes, honey?" he asks, popping his head out from the bathroom.

"What time do we have to leave for the interview?"

"I have to leave for the interview in 10 minutes, you have to do nothing."

"What? No, I'm going." I frown.

He stops what he's doing and comes out of the bathroom to give me his signature "you know that's not a good idea" look.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm perfectly capable of doing an interview with you today," I argue, coughing mid-sentence.


"Y/N, you were up sick all night, and I'm leaving in a few minutes anyway. Stay home and get some sleep, I'm sure the interviewers will understand, it's not that big of a deal," he says, walking back into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Shaaawnnnn," I groan, pouting.

He takes the toothbrush out of his mouth, and I smile triumphantly, thinking he's going to agree to let me go with him, but instead he says, "Y/NNNNNNN," to mock me.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't you give me attitude." he looks at me sternly, waving his toothbrush in the air.

He uses too much force though, and he gets toothpaste all over the mirror.

"Oh, shit," he laughs lightly, rushing to wipe it up.

"HA!" I yell, only to burst into a coughing fit.

Shawn starts laughing, but when he realizes that my coughing fit is very serious, he hurries over to ask if I'm okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I almost coughed up a lung, but you know, I didn't need it anyway."

"Oh yeah, we definitely don't need both our lungs to breathe."

He walks back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth, and I pull the covers off my body to find something to wear. When Shawn notices what I'm doing, he runs in and scoops me up, throwing me headfirst at the bed.

"AHH! Shawn!" I exclaim.

"What?" he smirks, putting his hands on his hips.

"I could have died."

"But you didn't!" he shouts, snapping his fingers and sending me finger guns.

"I could have," I mutter, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well, you should of thought about that before getting out of bed to get ready for an interview you're not going to," he replies, grabbing a jacket.


"No buts. You're sick, honey, and the only way you're going to get better is if you rest. We can do an interview together when you're feeling better, okay?" he asks, coming over to kiss my forehead.

I sigh. "Fine."

"If you need anything, call me, and I'll come bring it to you," he says, wiggling his phone in the air.

I nod, chuckling.

"Okay, feel better, I love you Y/N!" he sing-songs, skipping away.

"I love you more!" I call out, smiling as his head of chocolate curls bounces out of our bedroom and down the hall, then out the door seconds later.
this imagine was so much shorter than the last one, i apologize. hopefully you enjoyed it anyway !!!

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