Best Friend's Boyfriend

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Y/N's Point Of View:
Those lips, those eyes, that hair, those muscles, that smile, that body. He's so perfect, and it hurts that he's not mine. Every time I look at him my heart lurches, and I actually have to scold myself because he's dating my best friend. Sometimes I wonder if he notices me, and I just attend parties to see him. I look over at my friend. Gorgeous. She's beautiful, with her off the shoulder red dress. Hair curled into a ponytail, no wonder she's got the hottest boyfriend ever. I look down at myself. Black dress that's open in the back with wavy hair. I thought I looked cute, but you leave the house thinking you're cute and all, and when you look in a mirror you wonder why you left the privacy of your own home.

"What's got you so down?" I hear someone ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up.


It's Shawn, and he's looking at me. Like, making full blown eye contact. For a minute, I think I might faint, but soon realize this might be my only chance to talk to him.

"Oh, um, nothing," I respond, plastering a smile on my face.

"Are you sure? You look kind of pale," he says, looking concerned.

"Oh, it's probably just the lighting," I mumble, pointing towards a light above us. "You know Y/F/N's lights, they can be wacko."

"Yeah, if you say so," he replies, looking at me weirdly.

Seriously Y/N, lighting?

"Well I should probably get on the dance floor, wouldn't want to keep the party waiting," I say awkwardly, wanting to get away from the situation.

I run as fast as I can in my heels to the bathroom upstairs. Locking the door, I pull my phone out and call my cousin. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hello?" she asks.

"Yeah, hi, Y/C/N, I need help," I mutter frantically.

"What's up?"

"I am falling in love with my best friend's boyfriend," I hiss.

"Y/N, do either of them know?"

"No," I say. "Isn't that she good thing?"

"Just tell your friend, maybe she'll understand."

"I can't do that!" I exclaim. "I love him so much, I can't keep up with this much longer."

"What's his name?"

"Shawn Mendes," I mutter.

"Okay, look, Y/N breathe, you have to tell one of them. Maybe your friend will understand, or maybe Shawn will confess something too, but you don't want them finding out from another source."

"How would I tell him?"

"Just say you like him, and tell her that you know it's bad liking him but you haven't done anything," she responds casually.

"Okay, thanks, love you, bye," I mumble, hanging up.

I don't want anyone to be suspicious, I've been in here a while. I will text her later. I open the door and run out, only to crash into the one and only, Shawn.

Of course.

He's smirking, and I try to act cool.

"Oh, hey, nice seeing you here," I greet him awkwardly.

"Hi," he replies, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I should go," I mutter.

"Yeah, no you shouldn't," he breathes. "You heard your cousin."

"You were eavesdropping on me?" I yell.

"Well yeah, you were kind of loud, even if you thought you were quiet," he chuckles.

"It wasn't about you," I say quickly.

"Then what other Shawn do you know?" he asks, crossing his arms.

I pause. Technically speaking, what other Shawn do I know?

"No others," I mumble, staring at the floor.

"Why wouldn't you just tell me?" he asks, shuffling.

"Because," I sigh. "Do you know how upset Y/F/N would be if she found out I liked you?"

"You like my boyfriend?" I hear a voice ask.

Wow, can this day get any better?

"Y/F/N, look, I'm sorry, but if you haven't noticed already, look at him," I apologize.

"I'm looking at him, and yeah, he's hot but you can't like my boyfriend, and he can't like you," she replies flatly.

"But, I have liked him since second grade! I told you that I liked him!" I argue.

Shawn doesn't say anything, but looks at me... lovingly? He looks at Y/F/N awkwardly.

"Yeah, but he apparently likes me more, because hun, you're still single, and last time I checked, I'm not," she scoffs.

"Fine," I mutter. "Shawn, I like you, okay. Ever since we met that one day I've loved you. Your personality is amazing, you're so awkward and adorable, look, I'm sorry that you had to find out from a phone call, but I really do like you. For the record, I will, even if you still decide to date her."

"Y/N!" Y/F/N shouts.

"Look, I'm sorry. But you're only dating him for looks. Hate me if you want, but I'm leaving," I respond, pushing past them and walking downstairs.

"Do you like her back?" Y/F/N asks.

"I don't know, she's hilarious and I love her for that, and she's pretty dorky and cute, which I think is so adorable," Shawn replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"Shawn, you know I don't date you for just looks, right?"

"You do. When was the last time we had a nice conversation?" he responds. "Not including this one."

"I don't remember," she sighs.

"Exactly. You're not her true friend, because you only dated me so that you could beat her and taunt her, look, we're over," Shawn concludes, walking away.

"Y/N!" he shouts.

"What? Are you coming here to make fun of me on Y/F/N's orders?" I whip around to be met with lips.

I'm kissing Shawn. I'm kissing Shawn!

After a few moments, we pull away.

"Shawn-" I begin.

"We're over, I've developed feelings for you," he replies.

"There goes my best friend," I roll my eyes.

"You're really amazing, you know that?"

"Yeah, I do Shawn. Thanks for making me feel wanted."
Hi lovelies! I don't really know where this chapter went, but I hope you enjoyed my cruddy work anyway!

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