Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-Pilot


By the way this story starts at the beginning of eclipse. Everything blurred around me as I ran through the forest. I was surprised, I never tripped and fell even once; it was like I was gliding through the clouds.

I craned my neck around to see that they were right on my tails. Using the last of my energy, I picked up my speed to an even faster pace. I won't be able to keep this pace for long; my body wasn't made to run at this speed for long.

I wasn't even running my max speed for a minute before I began to get fatigued. I turned around again to see that they were now an arm's reach away from me. I had to do something and fast; and I didn't have much options.

Thankfully, luck was on my side. A large boulder soon came into my view and a quick idea came to me. I stopped running completely making them whiz pass me. Then, I used my telekinesis to lift the boulder up slightly, when they rounded back around to me. I dropped the boulder, crushing all of them. I dropped to my knees, absolutely exhausted. Every muscle in my body aches, I was covered in cuts and bruises and I have little if not no more energy left.

My glee was soon cut short when I saw one of the men stand up and made his way over me with his freeze disc. I couldn't move my body from the neck down and he roughly grabbed my neck and hulled me up.

"Nice try freak show, but I already know all your little tricks and it's going to take more than a boulder to get rid of me." He said bringing his face close to mine.

I struggled but it was pointless and I could see that he was enjoying watching me struggle. He hands started to wander to the lower regions of my body and I spit in his face. He slowly wiped it off then slapped me so hard that I fell out of his grip. My face was throbbing and I couldn't even use my hands to soothe it.

"Still as feisty as ever I see. Don't worry after I'm done with you, we'll see if you still have your spunk" He said with his mouth dangerously close to my ear.

That gave me the chills. The bad kind. I was released from the freeze disc but a pair of heavy duty cuffs were strapped onto my hands; stretching all the way up to my elbow and they were heavy, I estimate about 300lbs.

I let out a loud scream as he began dragging me by my hair. He was going to take me back to the lab. I couldn't go back there, not after I've spent my entire life trying to escape.

"Shut up!" He slapped me hard across the face again and covered my mouth with his large hard.

I bit down on his hand as hard as I could. He instantly released me and I saw that I had made and impressive bite mark, blood was oozing out of his wound. I quickly scrambled up and tried to run again but the hands cuffs were weighing me down. If I was at my full strength this would be no problem for me.

"You little bitch! You're not going anywhere." He said coming closer to me.

Going back to that lab was not an option for me. I used the very last of my strength to lift up my weighed down arms and I used the hand cuffs as a bat and hit him hard in the face. The harsh impact sent him flying back into a tree; breaking it in half. I waited for a few moments to see if he had somehow survived my attack but when I saw no signs of him getting up, I walked towards the broken tree to see his body lying there in an unnatural position and his neck was broken.

"Finally." I breathed and let my shoulder slump.

But I wasn't completely free yet. I had to get these cuffs off. My hands weren't free and I was drained so telekinesis isn't an option right now. I took a deep breath before leaning down towards his dead body and pulling the keys out of his pocket with my teeth. It was difficult but I finally got them out. I unlocked the cuffs and they fell to the ground, leaving a dent.

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