Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-The Date


Violet's POV

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe out…….Damn it I forgot to breathe again! I don’t know what Jacob is doing to me, but he’s making me act crazy……you know, more crazy than I normally act. But since I know that I’m crazy does that make me crazy?

“Am I crazy?” I muttered aloud.


“Nothing!” I said quickly.

Gosh what is wrong with me? He probably thinks I’m a total nutcase…………But am I really a nutcase? Damn it! I am not doing this again.

“Doing what again?” He asked.

Did I say that aloud?

“Yes, you did?” He chuckled.

Here lies Violet Hale, cause of death, absolute mortification.

“I find it cute that you’re embarrassed.” He smiled.

I have resurrected.

Jacob soon pulled into the parking lot of a nice restaurant. I could see the bright lit sign of “La Bella Italia”. As soon as he parked I jumped out and went over to his side to open the door for him.

“It’s supposed to be the other way around.” He said chuckling.

“Well you opened it for me now I want to open it for you.” I smiled.

He was taking his slow time getting up out of the car so I pulled him up by the elbow, shut the door and hooked my arm through his, pulling him to the door.

“Well someone’s in a hurry, what’s the rush?” He asked looking at me in amusement.

“What’s the rush? There is foo-“ I started but stopped. I sound like a greedy penguin, he’ll be totally turned off.

“So, what’s your favorite type of cheese?” I asked changing the subject.

“Uhh-Swiss? Why didn’t you finish your-“

“Is that a golden doorknob? Wow it looks stunning. Do you see this doorknob Jacob?” I said changing the subject again.

“Violet are you ok? You’ve been acting kind of weird tonight?” Jacob asked.

He knows that I’m crazy! HE KNOWS. Just calm down Violet, act natural.

“Y-Ye-Yeah, I’ great……so Swiss you said, It’s good but I prefer Colby Jack.” I said laughing nervously.

And the award for the least smooth female goes to…

“You’ve been acting weird…but I like it.” He admitted making me blush.

“Let’s get inside.” He said ushering me in the building.

He opened the door for me and put his arm around my waist. I nearly melted in my blissful state.

“Welcome to La Bella Italia, do you have reservations?” The host asked with a thick Italian accent.

“Reservation under the name ‘Black’.” Jacob answered.

Something about the way he said “Black” sounded so attractive to me.

“Yes Mr. Black right this way, your table is waiting.” He said.

We were ushered over to a table in the far corner that was well lit with three tall candles. Jacob pulled out my chair for me and I gave me a smile before sitting down.

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