Chapter 10

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Chapter 12- Planning for a war.


Remember to check out the sequel to “Violet”, “Beyond these Violet eyes found on my page.

Violet’s POV

Oh sweet baby Jesus my head!

I groaned loudly as I tried to open my eyes but the blinding light forced me to keep them shut. Well doesn’t this feel like Deja Vu.

“Carlisle, I think she’s waking up.” I heard Edward say.

A cold hand was gently placed onto my forehead; the chill slightly soothing my aching head.

“Violet, can you hear me?” Carlisle asked.

“Nugghhhhgg.” I groaned in response.

“I think that’s a yes in Violet’s language.” Emmett joked.

“Emmett, now is not the time for jokes.” Rose scolded.

“Can you open your eyes?” Carlisle asked gently.

I slowly cracked opened my eyes halfway to see the Cullens hovering over me with worried expressions.

“Carlisle.” I said groggily. “What happened?”

“You fell off of a cliff Violet, you hit your head very hard.” He said touching my forehead again. I now felt the bandage wrapped around it.




Wait a minute, I didn’t fall off of a cliff……THAT LITTLE BITCH PULLED ME DOWN WITH HER!

As my anger increased, so did my heart rate and the cardiac machine that I was hooked up to started beeping wildly.

“Hey, hey calm down!” Jasper said putting his hands on my shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

I ignored his question for now and instead took a few deep long breaths to calm down.

“Where is Jacob?” I asked.

“He just left about an hour ago to get some rest. We had to force him to leave, he was sitting by your side the entire time.” Alice said folding her arms.

“How long was I out?” I said attempting to sit up.

“About two days.” Carlisle answered helping me into a sitting position.

Esme came into the room with a bowl of soup. She smiled as she saw me awake.

“I’m so relieved that you’re ok. You had us so worried.” She said kissing my forehead. She sat on the side of my bed and handed me my soup.

“Sorry for worrying you.” I said taking the soup.

“Is your head hurting? Do you need any painkillers?” Carlisle asked.

“Well now that I’ve eaten a bit, it’s only a slight ache. But other than that I feel fine.” I said slurping down the remainder of the soup.

“The healing process is going to be more rapid now that you’re awake. You should feel completely fine in a few hours.” Carlisle smiled.

“It looks like her appetite is fine as well.” Edward laughed.

“Did you find the blonde bitch?” I asked wiping my mouth.

“Who?” Rose asked confused.

“The little blonde bitch who pulled me off of the cliff with her. She looks just like me but she’s blonde.” I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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