Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-Violet Hale


Alice's POV

“Any visions of her Alice?” My adoptive father Carlisle asked me.

“No everything has just gone black recently.” I said frustrated.

My family and I were out in the forest hunting down Victoria. I’d gotten a vision of her in this part of the forest but for some strange reason, my visions have all turned black.

“Stay alert everyone, Victoria is a sneaky one.” Jasper said scanning everywhere.

“I can’t even catch her scent.” Rosalie said; her senses on high alert.

“She’s probably made sure to cover any of her tracks. She’s getting faster and smarter.” Jasper said.

Suddenly a loud booming sound thundered from the east. We all turned around trying to figure out the source of the noise; it sounded like two boulders crashing together.

“What was that?” Emmett asked.

“I don’t know but I don’t like the sound of it. Don’t let your guard down.” Carlisle said as we all ran towards the loud sound.

When we arrived we were stunned. Large rocks and trees were scattered around and Victoria was holding a girl up to a tree in a tight grip. She was struggling and trying to fight back but was losing. Victoria was about to sink her teeth into her neck when Emmett lunged up and slammed her. The girl went spiraling into a nearby ditch and slammed her head onto a rock. I immediately ran over to her limp body and pulled her into her lap. Her eyes were shutting and I gasped as I saw her eye color. It was a beautiful bright violet color.

“Oh God!” I said as blood seeped through onto my clothes.

Her blood smelt amazing, although I didn’t feel tempted to drink it. It was like smelling a nice perfume but not actually consuming it because of the bitter taste.

I looked over my shoulder to see Emmett, Rose and Jasper chasing after Victoria.

“CARLISLE!” I shouted.

He immediately came over to us and felt the girl’s pulse.

“Her pulse is very faint and she’s losing too much blood, we’ve got to get her back to the house and fast.” He said.

I carefully lifted her into my arms and ran back to the house. Rose, Jasper and Emmett were following closely behind us. I guess that Victoria managed to slip away again.

Emmett burst the front door open and we all ran inside. Bella, Edward and Esme were situated in the living room and were shocked to see me carrying a bloodied stranger inside the house.

“What happened? Who is she?” Bella asked her eyes wide as she took in her bloodied and bruised form.

“Victoria nearly killed her, but we came just in time. She managed to get away though.” Emmett said.

“Quick Alice, take her to the medical room.” Carlisle said leading me.

Everyone followed behind us into the room and I gently laid her limp body on the bed. I backed away as Carlisle began to hook her up to some machines.

My clothes were stained with her blood but it still didn’t smell appetizing to me. That’s strange. With the crazed look in Victoria’s eyes, you would think that her blood would be absolutely mouth-watering.

“Edward, I need your assistance, help me with the bandaging.” Carlisle said handing him a thick roll of white bandages.

I watched worried as they moved with superhuman speed around her body, attending to her grave injuries. Jasper sensed my distress and sent waves of calmness over me before gently grabbing my hand which also helped to soothe my growing nerves.

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