Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Violent Violet


Btw guys, Violet is portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens.

Violet's POV

He stared at me as if I was an angel who flew down from heaven right before his eyes. I found it flattering, yet a bit strange at the same time.

And I thought when you introduce yourself to someone they follow suit, not just stare at you with your mouth agape. I we already know each other’s name but I still want to hear him introduce himself.

“So are you going to introduce yourself or just stare at me all day?” I asked chuckling.

A faint pink blush appeared on his tan cheeks. Not even two minutes and I’m making him blush. He cleared his throat before speaking.

“My name is Jacob, Jacob Black.” He said.

“Violet Hale, nice to meet you Jacob.” I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

He softly took it and when our hands connected for the first time, it felt similar to the imprinting. His large hand completely engulfed my tiny one, and I loved it.

I’m sure we looked comical just standing there shaking hands and smiling at each other like idiots. Emmett decided that he’d had enough and loudly cleared his throat. Guess that was my signal to come back over. I reluctantly let go of Jacob’s hand and retreated back over the river. Rosalie wrapped her arms over me protectively when I came over. They really don’t want me around Jacob.

“Jacob can come over to our house next week for two hours to spend time with Violet.” Carlisle said.

I looked at him incredulously. Two hours! Next week! Is he crazy? I’m not even 5ft away from him and I was already missing his touch. That just won’t do.

“Why can’t he come over tomorrow?” I whined.

“Because-“ he trailed off. He can’t even come up with a good reason why. He just wants me away from Jacob.

“How about this?” I proposed. “ I go to La Push tomorrow for the entire day so Jacob and I could get to know each other.”

“NO!” The Cullens shouted in unison.

Jesus Christ! That was not necessary. They almost burst my ear drums.

“Aw come on why?”

“I won’t hurt her, none of us will.” Jacob said.

I gave him a huge smile and he returned it. Wow his smile is gorgeous! And his hair, and his eyes and God Damn that body!

“Violet you are not going to La Push by yourself.” Alice said.

“What if Bella goes with her?” One of the wolves suggested.

Huh? I’d rather stare at the trees than go with Bella. She’s too boring and she doesn’t like me and I’m starting not to like her.

“Absolutely not!” Edward seethed. “If something happens Bella can’t protect herself of Violet.”

“PROTECT ME FROM WHAT!” I shouted annoyed.”The wolves are not going to hurt me, and even if they did I can still protect myself.”

I looked at Carlisle and put on my best puppy dog face.

“Please?” I asked quivering my lip.

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