Chapter One

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Avory's POV
It is a normal Monday morning my alarm went off at 6:30
After about 10 minutes of scrolling through Instagram and twitter
I finally got out of bed I was really tired

because all night last night couldn't stop thinking about my neighbor Nash Grier

I had a huge crush on him but he would never like me I should just learn to face it I've tried so many times but I just can't he's so perfect his smile and his eyes are gorgeous they were crystal blue

I got up and walked to the bathroom and curled the tips of my long dirty blonde hair I had pretty nice hair I guess it was soft and long and naturally straight and put some light makeup on

I have blue greenish eyes
Light freckles
I'm not very tall... I think
I'm pretty thin

Then I walked back to my room and put on some dark skinny jeans and a floral shirt and put on my grey converse its winter right now and it gets pretty cold in North Carolina so I put on Florida gators college hoodie
My older brother Bryan goes there

I grabbed my iPhone 5S off my bed it had a "Bc Cats" case on it And headed down stairs

I grabbed a apple I told my mom bye she kind of just nodded

I didn't have that great of a relationship with my mom but I am really close with my dad but him and my mom are divorced I only see him on weekends

I stepped out the door everyday I went outside Nash would wave at me and I would wave back it was literally always the best part of my day ever since 8th grade he would wave

I had to hurry because I know if I wasn't there my best friend Anthony {lohanthony} would leave and I would have to walk by myself so I ran next door screaming "ANTHONY IF YOU LEFT WITHOUT ME I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS" I could hear Nash laugh I felt so proud

when i got there Anthony was there on his phone probably on Instagram

We started walking down the side walk and he started rambling to me about his life problems and I would just roll my eyes and I would tell him mine and he would give me horrible advice

We got to school he said "I'll see you at breakfast" I said okay and we went to our lockers his locker was really far from mine and my locker was only 2 away from Nash which was amazing, but a little creepy too because I would always stare I don't think he ever noticed though

Nash was one of those kids at school that just kind of minded his own buisnius. He stayed out of drama he had friends and he was on the football team he is just perfect

I snapped out of my day dreaming and got what I needed. On the way to breakfast I said hi to a couple people I could be pretty popular if I wanted.... i guess. but I didn't want to be like those girls they were horrible to people always going behind each others back

When I got there Anthony was talking to jack (thatsojack) was also my neighbor. Our parents always got mad at us for not inviting Nash to be our little "clique" I mean we would but it would be really awkward considering I have a huge crush on him

When I sat down Anthony was telling him "ALL IM FUCKING SAYING IS THAT IF YOU DONT WANT US TO LEAVE YOU IN THE MORNING BE READY ON TIME" he said in a sassy tone while slapping his hand together. Which made me laugh
Which made me laugh harder

"Which is why my friend you need to master the art of not giving a fuck " I said in a duh tone

Then the first bell rang we got up I had a couple periods with them but I had most of my periods with nash which was good and bad sometimes

Nash's POV

I got up this morning pretty early because I know Avory leaves early and I wanted to wave at her that's like our little thing every morning I have a huge crush

but she would never like me to her I'm probably just some big dork to her she's perfect

I wonder sometimes what it would be like if she liked me back

I got out of bed and got the clothes I was going to wear out and headed to the bathroom

I brushed my teeth I had pretty good teeth I guess I had braces for 4 years. Just another reason why I'm such a big dork to Avory. She had braces to but she only had them for a year but she made them look cute

I snapped out of my thoughts when hayes walked in he said "AWH WERE YOU THINKING ABOUT AVORY" he said in a baby voice
He was about the only person that knew "NO" I said in a stern voice
No matter how much he teased me about telling her I knew he wouldn't

I fixed my hair and went back to my room. I got dressed in dark boot cut jeans and a regular white t shirt and a blue flannel and put my sperry's on and got my North Carolina hoodie I put it on and went down stairs

When I got down hayes and sky were already at the table my mom was in the kitchen

I just got an apple, and quickly ate it i I grabbed my backpack, and went outside. I walked down my side walk a little ways. I saw Avory going out her door wow she looked so beautiful

I continued walking when I got a little bit passed my mailbox I wave to her and smiled. Sure enough she smiled and waved back then she ran over to Anthony's house saying "ANTHONY IF YOU ALREADY LEFT I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS" which made me laugh

Her, Anthony, and jack were always screaming at each other and then they get yelled at by other people in the neighborhood including my dad the thought made me chuckle a little

I got to school said hey to a couple of my friends, and went to my locker which was 2 away from Avory

This morning I glanced over to her, and it felt like she was looking a me.
She was probably looking at somebody behind me.

Hope you liked it
Please Let me know
And tell me if I should make an Instagram account for it so I can put pictures of the characters

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