Chapter 6

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The clear sky earlier was now covered with gray clouds. Kaminari is not the type to listen to the news so he doesn't know what's up, literally. Whenever he would open the TV, he'll just be watching some sports or anime, nothing else, so it's natural for him to forget his umbrella when the rain started pouring. He thinks that bringing it with him all the time is a pain.

Kaminari and Jirou are currently inside the boy's house. They were about to leave to buy some groceries for their food for dinner when it suddenly rains heavily. The wind is pretty strong so they decided to wait for the rain to calm. They don't want to be swept away by some random tree branch that broke and is being carried by the wind. They were just lucky that they didn't leave yet before the rain has started. Surely, they'll be stuck on the grocery store if that happened. Kaminari's fridge isn't empty just yet. It's just that the little girl suddenly wants to eat hot pot for tonight when she saw a show cooking it while she was changing channels on the television. Kaminari thought that it was a good idea because he hasn't eaten hotpot for days already. And because of the fabulous appearance of the water droplets from the clouds, they are stuck in the house. Well, it's better than being stuck in the rain. 

"Don't you have a part-time job?" Jirou asked all of a sudden to break the silence inside the house, the thunder, and sound of the wind aside.

"Take a guess," Kaminari replied blankly then flips another page of the book he is reading.

"Hmmm... None."

"Unfortunately, you're right."

"I'm not surprised."

The two of them are laying on Kaminari's bed, the blonde is rereading some manga on his shelf whilst resting his head on his arm, and the purple-head is just staring at the ceiling. She pulls the covers up since she's starting to feel cold. It was quiet once again when a flash of lightning and a loud boom of the thunder erupted. Jirou jolted, her eyes widened and out of instinct, she hugs Kaminari's side. Denki flinched at the sudden contact then looks at the trembling girl who is burying her face on his side. It's a rare occasion for Kaminari to witness her vulnerable side. After all, she always acts like an independent and tough girl. He finds this side of her cute.

"Oya, you're scared of lightning? What an irony since you're hugging Lightning-san here," Kaminari grins. The girl didn't respond. She grabs his shirt tighter, still shaking. The lad scratches his head and puts the manga on his table. He places his hand on Jirou's head and the other on her back while rubbing circles. "There, there."

Kaminari's presence somehow calmed Jirou down. Her trembling was gone but she still held onto him. After a few heartbeats, he heard her sobbing. He can feel that she's wiping her eyes with his shirt. Did that really spook her that much?

"I... was just shocked..." She mumbles in between her sniffs and hiccups. She coughs then nuzzles her face on his body.

"I get it, I get it," he pulls her closer to hug her small frame then planted a kiss on her head.

Kaminari thought for a second if it were the older Jirou, how would she react if he did what he just did with her younger version? Would she choke him? Slap him? Kill him? Or would just act cute with a wild blush on her face? He chuckled at his own thoughts. He really thinks that she is a bit of a tsundere.

"What about when I'm using my quirk? You don't feel terrified?"

"W-what quirk?"

"What do you mean by 'what quirk'?"

'Wait, I forgot that she lost her memories about being a teenager.' Kaminari had this realization and didn't didn't resume the topic anymore.

Kaminari's not a fan of rain but he is liking it just for today. Is it because he has someone with him during this weather? Who knows.

Getting weary about the silence, he asked her a question. "So, still want a hot pot? I can just go by myself while you wait here if you can't go outside."

The girl shakes her head. "No, please don't leave me alone. It's still scary. Let's just have a hot pot for tomorrow night."

"Alright. What do you want for dinner?"

"Anything will do."

Kaminari tries to get up from the bed and Jirou lets go of his now wet shirt because of her tears and snot. Even if it's only a kid who did it, it's still disgusting. The child sniffs and quickly grabs the blonde's dry part of the shirt to blow her nose on it. As much as Denki wants to yell at the kid, he just can't bring himself to scold the frail-looking child. He took off his clothes, carefully avoiding the wet part, and got change. He went to the kitchen to prepare for their dinner, the little girl trailing behind him. He opens his fridge and turns behind him. "Do you eat fish?" He saw Kyouka struggling to get on the tall chair.

She stops climbing, looks at him then nods. Her eyes are still swollen from crying. She continued to clamber when she felt two hands carrying her and gingerly placed her on the wooden chair. She looks up to see Denki. He pats her head then went back to the fridge to get the ingredients. After placing the cooking utensils on the table, he heard his phone rang from his room.

"Wait here, okay?" He said to Jirou then headed to get his phone.

He spotted his phone on the table beside his bed. He took it and looks at the screen.

Aizawa-sensei is calling.

Somehow, he feels troubled about this. Whether he will report good news or bad news or he's just going to ask if they're okay, he's feeling a bit uneasy. He gulps before answering the call. 

"Hello, sensei?"

"Kaminari, how is Jirou?"

He walks to the door of his room and rested his back on the door frame. He searches for Jirou on the kitchen who is standing on the chair while tapping the table like drums.

"She's okay."

"I see. That's good. Anyway," he paused. His teacher's silence is making him nervous.

"We finally found out the reason for Jirou's case."

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