Chapter 8

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After eating dinner, Kaminari told Jirou to take her bath. He is pretty sure that she doesn't want him to take a bath with her. He prepared the warm water, the shampoo, and a towel.

"You can take a bath by yourself, right?" He asked her.

She nods and went to the bathroom. Kaminari collected the plates on the table and puts them in the sink to wash them. It is still raining although the rain is much lighter compared to earlier. He is glad that the electricity didn't go down or else he will have to use his quirk to light up the whole house. He will go to his 'stupid mode' if that happens and he will never know what will happen to Jirou. She will just probably make fun of him.

He turns the faucet and water came splashing down. He starts to clean the glasses, spoons, forks, and plates. After washing them, he wipes them with a clean, dry cloth and places them on the dish organizer cabinet. He dries his hands on the cloth hanging on the fridge door. A thunder boomed again and the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Kaminari looks at the bathroom and said, "Oh, that was fast."

Jirou was wrapped with a towel, her hair still has bubbles on it and water is dripping underneath her. She looks at him with a terrified expression. "T-thunder... Lightning..." she mumbles.

"Hm? What was that?" Kaminari walks closer and sits in front of her. He tilted his head to the side so he could see her face. "You're still not done?"

"It is scary!" she exclaimed, her hands are trembling.

'Oh, that's right. She's scared of lightning.'

He sighed. "Go finish your bath. I'll be just outside."

Still hesitating, the purple-head went inside the bathroom with a pout on her face. She turns to him first and said, "You better stay, okay?" and closes the door with a small gap so she won't struggle later in opening it once the lightning flashed again.

The lad stood up and leans on the wall. He stares at the opposite wall as the conversation earlier with his teacher flashes on his mind. They already found out the cause of this. He should be happy because Jirou will turn back to normal and he won't be bothered by a kid anymore yet why are his feelings contradicting to what he should feel? He is feeling sad instead. It is really weird. He ruffles his head in annoyance. Ever since that call, he can't calm down. Why does it feel like he is too attached to her? Why-

"Hey, Dank meme, I'm done. Thank you for staying."

Kaminari looks down and saw Jirou with her usually blank face. When he finally processed what she just said, he scowled.

"My nickname is sounding weirder and weirder. How many times do I have to say that it's Denki? D-E-N-K-I."

"Huh? I'm sorry. I can't spell the word stupid."

A tick mark appeared on his face. He seriously doesn't know why he became so attached to this bully of a kid.


Kaminari flopped on the sofa and groans. He fished his phone inside his pocket and opens it. He has 1 message from Kirishima, 1 from Mineta and a hundred from their chat room. He opens Kirishima's message first.

Kirishima: hey! the gang's planning to go to karaoke tomorrow! wanna come?

Wow. How he wishes he can. He types on the keypad and sent his message.

Kaminari: thanks, dude. but I'm good.

It didn't take seconds when he received a reply from him.

Kirishima: is it your stomach? Are you not okay yet?

Kaminari: er nope. I'm just busy tomorrow

Kirishima: alright then

Kaminari: 👍

He then opens Mineta's message.

Mineta: hey, bro! How are you? It was sad you weren't in class yesterday. You missed all the fun!

Kaminari: that's so sweet of you. I'm fine now. So, what is this "fun" we are talking about?

Mineta: welp you really know me( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kaminari: of course! we're bros, right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mineta:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kaminari was typing on his phone when he felt something jumped on his face.


"DARK MEME! I CAN'T SLEEP! IT'S SCARY!" Jirou cried while hugging Kaminari's head tightly.

The guy pulls the kid away from his face and inhaled air. He looks at her, irritated. "That almost killed me!"

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "But I can't really sleep alone. Please stay with me."

Looking so frail and precious, there's no way Kaminari's heart won't melt. "Alright."

He saw her face brightens and smiles adorably. Her smile is contagious, making Denki smile as well. He pinches her nose and said, "Call me a meme again and I'll leave you alone."


"Hey, hey, Dank- Denki," Jirou taps the guy who is sleeping soundly beside her. He snorted and turns around, his back facing her.

She scowls. She climbs from his side and whispered, "Hey, wake up!"

"Mm... What?" Kaminari mumbles, still half-asleep.

"I need to poop!"

"Just... hold it in..."

"I'm going to poop here!"


The next morning, he smelled something nasty on his bed. When he sits up, he saw a pile of turd on his blanket.



sorry not sorry if this chapter is short 

There's no new episode this week. Why???? 😭

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