Kiefer Sutherland

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You and your boyfriend of 2 years, Kiefer Sutherland, decided to have a picnic in the park since it was such a nice day out

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You and your boyfriend of 2 years, Kiefer Sutherland, decided to have a picnic in the park since it was such a nice day out. You guys laid out the blanket and food when you saw a dog being walked by their owner.

"Look how cute that dog is!" You gasped as you got up. The owner smiled as she heard your gasp and brought the dog over to the two of you. You got all excited to pet the dog as the dog started to lick your face.

"Kiefer, isn't this dog just so adorable?" You asked happily to your boyfriend who was still sitting on the blanket.

"He sure is" Kiefer said with a small laugh as he shook his head smiling at how adorable you were with the dog. While you were admiring how cute the dog was, Kiefer was admiring how cute you were.

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