Sam Emerson

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You were stacking comics into their stands when someone came in

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You were stacking comics into their stands when someone came in. It was a blonde hair boy you've never seen before. He was looking at the comics when he looked up and to his right looking a little uncomfortable.

Your brothers, Edgar and Alan, were staring at him, inspecting how he looks like what they do with every new person that comes in. You rolled your eyes and walked up to the blonde hair boy.

"Sorry about my brothers. They're just inspecting your 'civilian wardrobe'" you said knowing that's what they say about every new person. The blonde hair boy just laughed and looked back down at the comic.

"It's fine. I'm Sam by the way" He said looking back up at you.

"I'm y/n" you said with a smile. "and those are my brothers Edgar and Alan" pointing over to the two who were heading in your direction.

"Is he one of them?" Alan asked not taking his eyes off of Sam.

"No, he's good" you replied knowing what he meant but Sam had a confused look.

"I suggest reading this" Edgar said shoving a vampire comic in his hands.

"I don't like horror comics" Sam said trying to hand it back.

"Trust us, you wanna read this" you told Sam making him look at you. His eyes softened before accepting the comic.

"Well I'll see you around Sam" you said with a smile as you turned and went back to the comics you were stacking leaving Sam there who was still staring at you.

"Don't even think about it" Edgar said to Sam before both him and Alan went back to what they were doing as well.

No way was Sam going to give up talking to you though.

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