Michael Emerson

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You heard the boys coming back to the "cave" as you guys call it

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You heard the boys coming back to the "cave" as you guys call it. You didn't feel well so instead of going out to the boardwalk with everyone you stayed back. You lived with David and his gang but was only a half vampire like Star and Laddie.

"Marko, go get some food" you heard David say. You came around the corner and saw the boys joking around with one another like always, Star in her small room she shares with Laddie, and then a new guy. He had beautiful curly brown hair and amazing eyes.

"Y/n, come meet our new guest" David said as he saw you come from around the corner. He put his arm out for you to come next to him. You stood next to David as you looked at the new guy.

"Micheal, this is y/n. Beautiful isn't she" David said as he noticed Micheal was staring at you. Micheal broke his stare and smiled as he looked down.

David ended up changing the subject at Marko arrived back with food. You couldn't help but keep glancing back at Micheal as he did the same to you. Every time the both of you made eye contact you two who smile and look away.

Oh little do you know the adventure that's going to happen with everyone as soon as Micheal takes a sip from that wine bottle.

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