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"A little to the left" you heard Squints say

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"A little to the left" you heard Squints say. Benny, Ham, Kenny, and Bertram moved a rope that had Yeah-Yeah attached to the other side.

"Be careful Yeah-Yeah" you whisper yelled to your boyfriend so The Beast wouldn't hear from the treehouse.

"I almost got it" Yeah-Yeah said reaching for the baseball that Smalls desperately needed.

"Got it!" Yeah-Yeah exclaimed. Then out of nowhere The Beast appeared right in front of him. Yeah-Yeah slowly looked up at the dog with his mouth wide open in fear. Yeah-Yeah then started to scream while staring up at the dog.

"Pull him up! Pull him up!" You yelled to the boys holding the rope. They quickly yanked Yeah-Yeah up before the Beast could do anything but he ended up dropping the baseball in the process. Yeah-Yeah was still screaming until he safely landed on the ground.

"Yeah-Yeah, are you okay?" Benny quickly asked as he helped get Yeah-Yeah out of the rope. All the boys surrounded him to make sure he was okay.

"Yeah...yeah...I'm...fine" he said in between deep breaths. You quickly pushed past the boys to reach Yeah-Yeah.

"I'm so glad you're okay" you said as you engulfed him into a hug. He hugged you right back.

"Never do that again please" you said not letting go of him.

"Trust me, never again" he said feeing safe being with you.

80s/90s Gif ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now