River Phoenix

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It was Valentine's Day and River was heading over to your house to pick you up for a date

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It was Valentine's Day and River was heading over to your house to pick you up for a date. He was dressed in his best tux while wearing glasses. You were getting dressed in a beautiful dress that complimented your skin tone.

You heard a knock at the door and hurried down the stairs. You opened the door to see River fixing his hair. As soon as he saw you his mouth dropped open slightly and he looked you over from the bottom up.

"Who knew you could become even more beautiful" he said looking amazed.

"And who knew you could be so handsome" giving him a wink. You gave him a peck on the lips before he grabbed your hand and led you to his car.

a/n- in honor of Valentine's Day and those who are single like me :/

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