Keanu Reeves

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You and your boyfriend, Keanu, decided to go to the park late at night to look at the stars

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You and your boyfriend, Keanu, decided to go to the park late at night to look at the stars. You grabbed a blanket as Keanu grabbed some snacks before the two of you headed out.

While on the walk to the park, the two of you walked hand in hand as you guys talking about nonsense. Just being there next to Keanu felt right and all of your worries from the day just melted away.

"This spot, over here" Keanu said as he led you to a spot in the grass. It was surrounded by a few tress but the trees were far enough away to where you could still see the sky.

Keanu sat down the snacks and then helped you lay the blanket out flatly on the grass. Before you sat down on the blanket you looked up at the sky. You stared in awe as you noticed just how clear the sky was and how bright the stars were that night.

"Wow" you whispered in amazement as you continued to look up at the stars. A smile grew on Keanu's face as he watched you look up at the sky.

"You're so cute" you heard him say which made you look at him. A smile was now finding its way on your face as well as feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Come on" you say as you sit down on the blanket and hold your hand out for Keanu. He grabbed your hand as he sat down too. The you guys laid back on the blanket and admired the beautiful night sky together while still holding hands.

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