Chapter six-seventeen

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I sincerely apologise chapter 16 didn't save ! Here's a quick recap :
The creepy guy asked for coffee and she told him she had a early morning and have him the bag of coffee to take with him . He is just eerie and left . She felt scared so asked Jimin to come over . She explained everything to him when he cane over and they had a cute hug scene where Jimin was as usual fan girlish over her . He talked to her until she fell asleep and kissed her forehead as he left . Soft. When he got home he told Tae who had found out where he had gone by looking through his messages as Jimin had lied saying he was going on a walk. Tae was concerned .
*Sexual behavior in chapter be warned *

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. For a split second I felt good. Well rested and safe. But then life crept in and I felt the nerves, fear regret seeping into my blood. What have I done.

I had hugged Jimin and let him stay in my apartment until I fell asleep. What would Lin say.

I rolled over and suddenly memories flooded back in. Jimin kissed me last night.

I mean whatever it meant nothing, It was just a goodbye on the forehead and its common over here. Right?  Hopefully. I texted Lin who I had twelve missed calls from. Telling him I understood his worry and missed him. Did I? . It was five twenty. I showered and got ready. Brushing my teeth and hair. It was Saturday. My first day off. I put on a velvet black skirt annd loosely tucked my white blouse into it. I put on raised platform black shoes that zipped up on the side and let my hair down loose. Grabbing my bag and camera and heading out the door.

I walked to the park. It was full of cherry blossom trees and had a small lake in the middle of it. I sat down for three hours. Yes three. Smiling to myself and listening to music. I looked through my pictures and seen the one of Tae. I laughed. I stood up and started taking pictures of everything. I took a picture of the lake, a close up, a cherry blossom tree, a leaf, a stone, a duck , a selfie with the duck. I sat by the lake with my legs crossed laughing at the selfie. I felt my hair being pulled gently and I spun around. Kim Taehyung.  I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" you asked. He sat down beside you crossing his legs. " Work finishes at 1 on Saturday." he smiled. " Oh " you looked back at your camera.You could feel his eyes piercing you. "What were you smiling at?" he asked. He seemed angry and confused. He snatched the camera off you ans smiled. " Wow you look cute in that!" he smiled biting his lip looking athe the camera. You blushed hard. You snatched it back off him and took a picure of him. "Gah! I wasn't ready!" he smiled and laughed. " Again... you need to get better." you smiled looking at the picture. Too beautiful. Why!!

He leaned in and looked at it. " Not as bad!" he smiled looking at you. He took it back off you.

"Why don't you just use your phone?" he inspected  it. "Your one of the only people I know who uses these old things," he flipped buttons. "You and Jimin Hyung..." he furrowed his brow looking regretful for saying that and looked to see your reaction. You smiled and widened our eyes. "Maybe I can get Jimin to take some pictures with me , is he good?" you smiled.

"No, he's bad." he smiled nodding. "I'm good though" he smiled and took a picture of you.

"GAH!!" you slapped his arm. "WHat how are you so cute!?" he said looking at it. You looked . You didn't look terrible. He lay down and closed his eyes. He opened one and looked at you and then to the ground beside him smirking. You rolled your eyes and hesitated. Butyou slowly lay down a safe distance beside him. You looked up at the sky together. "What do you see?" you asked.

"Hmmmm , I see a baby." he smirked and nudged you. You slapped his arm. He laughed. "What I'm not lying! look!" he grabbed your hand and moved it. "Thats his head, his body ,his tiny feet and hands." you strained your eyes. You seen it . "Ah-" you laughed nervously . He smiled. "I told you! " he smiled . "Its a sign!" he laughed. Suddenly he grabbed your two hands and held them down beside you head and rolled onto you. You felt this belt buckle press against the low of your stomach and you gasped gently. "Its a sign, god wants us to make a baby." he whispered incches from your face. You felt blood rushing to your groin. Stop. You can't. You freed your hands and rolled away laughing. You rolled down the little hill like a child. He laughed after you. You got up and started walking away.

***Tae's POV***

This whole sexual approach business was  a joke. The first day or maybe two, I liked her as a person. Funny, smart, beautiful and independant. I flirted with her t annoy, to see what she'd do and to see what the others would do. It's just the way I am . Recently though, I've started getting feelings. Weird ones. I approach her out of genuine lust and need now. Touching her makes blood rush to my groin and I want her.Watching her dance makes me want to embrace her.

When Jimin told me about her troubles I felt fear arise inside me. I wanted to hurt anyone who hurt her. I contemplated ringing her but I knew she'd be asleep. Well I hoped.

The minute work was over I skipped going to lunch with the boys and made my way to the park. Its where I knew she'd be. Why did I know? . I just got the feeling. I seen her sitting beside the lake laughing at her camera. Why did she make me smile whenever she moved. I walked over and tugged her soft hair gently. She spun around Her soft deep eyes beamed at me. We talked for a while. She lay beside my and my heart skipped a beat. I looked at the sky and seen a baby. I raised my eye brows. Like she was reading my mind she asked me what I saw.  I told her without hesitation and smirked. I grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the ground rolling on top of her. I let my knees touch the ground either side of her hips. I didn't want to squish her. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes went wide. I felt her raise her hips slightly which agitated the growing pain in my bulge. I was so close to her face it made my heart pump. She managed to roll away down a hill like a cute child. I smiled. Why did I feel like this. Why did I want her so much?

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