Chapter 39 - White Christmas

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Fuck no
What the fuck
Oh my god no!

Your finger rake through the racks at STUSSY . It's the most high end shop you can afford and all the clothes look like 10000$ to you but you know that they will look like 10 to Taehyung. He wouldn't say anything, he never would but you know hw would probably never wear it.

"Do you need help ma'am?" A shop clerk sneaks up. Her raised eyebrows and concerned stance annoys you.
"No." You bark as you grab your bag and brush past her out the door. You immediately regret that as you glance over your shoulder to see her shaking her head and you can almost hear her sighing in disgust.

You walk to where you really wanted to avoid. Mainly because you knew that you would look like a fool in there and would not be able to afford anything. The Gucci store.

You push open the Huge gold doors and sigh as even the doors feel expensive. The shop smells like money, literal money and fresh clothes. Your eyes draw in all the clothes which could pay for so many college tuitions. You gulp harshly.

"Madam? Can I help you?" A small male assistant appears by your side.
"Uhm- no- no thank you." You quickly walk past him not wanting to talk. You don't want anyone to see how poor you are when they tell you the pretty prices.
The store itself is small but plentiful, with huge shelves that open up to cuboards and long racks hold hangers and clothes.
You bend down as you observe every shelf and see the cheapest item being a 185,000 (145) wool knit hat which you have seen lying dangerously on the fireplace since you got here, being covered by ash and dust.

You Stand up and search the tall racks furiously with a creased brow as you search for anything. The rack shakes as someone attacks it from the other side.
Your hand lands on a unisex top which you've never seen Taehyung in before. You grab it and pull furiously but it's pulled back from you. You frown as you pull again but it's pulled back and an ongoing battle occurs. Eventually the opposite person wins and you fall slightly forward at the force. "Bitch!" You grunt as you pull yourself off the floor and fix your hair.

"Uh..." A quiet familiar voice. You look up to see Taehyung and jump back slightly.
"Oh!! Uhm - Taehyung! Uhm..hi!" You blush as you tuck hair behind your ear. Your cover is blown.
"Hi," He smiles slightly nervously. He steps forward lightly as he checks to see if your ok after your slight fall.
"Uhm- here." He holds out the top you had been unknowingly fighting over.

"No, no no it's fine you - you keep it." You step forward and push the top back to him. "No, here." He pushes it back to me. "No!" "No." "No Taehyung!" "Here!" "No!
The hanger clicks on the rack as he puts it back. You both laugh lightly.

"So...what are you doing here?" He puts his hands in his pockets.
"Oh uhm! You know last minute shopping ! What about you!"
You nervously tuck hair behind your ear and cringe when you realize he obviously knows your too poor to shop here and are probably here for Secret Santa.

"I'm getting the Secret Santa present." He hesitantly adds.
"Oh! Haha hah, uhm same...Yeah." You look away awkwardly.

"Who'd you get?" You both ask at the same time. You both look away and laugh awkwardly.

"Yoongi." You both answer at the same time again. Fuck.
You both look confused at each other.

"Uhm...I got you." You sigh and look at the ground.

"Yeah... me In I got you not I got me!"

Surprise washes over you. What a coincidence once again. You both laugh.
"You were shopping here for me?" You ask surprised. You didn't own one thing Gucci. Excitement fills you.
"Yeah!" He smiles. "You'd look great in Gucci." He smiles. You blush awkwardly. "Well, maybe you can help me pick something out for you." Tae breaks the silence. "You really have no idea?" You ask. "Nope." He sighs as he admires the T-shirt you were looking at. "Were you going to get this for me?" He smiles. "Were you going to get it for me?" You smile back and you both laugh.
"Great minds think alike." He smiles.
"Yeah." You smile. He walks around the rack as you look at the ground blushing. "So you got anything in mind?" He arrives at your side.
"Uhm I've never shopped here before." You shrug awkwardly. "I'll leave it up to the expert." You smile up at him. "Pah!" He laughs.
You stroll around the shop as you refrain from pointing out anything as it's all so damn expensive. (Let's pretend Gucci does Lingerie)
We arrive at the Lingerie section and I gather my pace to walk past.
"What about here?" Tae asks slightly awkwardly as he stops at the Lingerie section. You close your eyes and fear rises in you. You turn slowly and walk back to him. He glances at the Lingerie hanging on the wall. Barely there items of clothing splashed with Gucci logos hang on the wall. The prices for such little material make your stomach sink.
"Uhm." You shuffle awkwardly. Tae looks up at the clothing as he pieces through them with his fingers. You join in awkwardly, not taking in any of the information on them just wanting something to do.
Your fingers fall on a lace black thong which shows almost everything apart from the front with is just about covered with a thin black lace. The Gucci logo is printed on the very front. A mathching bra which is made of the same light lace and exposes all the breasts excluding the nipples which are covered by black Gucci logos.

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