Chapter 7

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The slam of the door clicking shut signaled yet another awkward silence to begin in the room. The corners of my mouth came up into a grin as my eyes rested stationary on a small spot on the off white ceiling.

"Hey... We're living next to Smosh," I laughed.

"Holy crap... We are," Marissa replied, face up as she lay down, tossing her small heart shaped pillow repetitively into the air and catching it as it came down each time with ease.

"Do you think we might even... Become friends?" I let my eyes squint shut for a couple seconds with giddiness. "Get to know each other, or something? God, I hope I don't get my hopes up with some fairytale expectation." I was still smiling.

"Well, there's a pretty big chance! Not even exaggerating! I mean, we're neighbors!"

I rolled myself out of my laying position, into a sitting one on the side edge of my bed, facing Marissa. I fumbled around with my fingers shakily as I spoke. "When do you think we'll... Like... Meet them?"

"Soon, probably! Or at least, I hope... But don't even fret it."

"Oh god, do you think they-" I was interrupted by a couple groans and words I couldn't make out, muffled by the thick wall. It was coming from their room.

"What's that?" Marissa questioned, still tossing her pillow.

"Hm, I don't know..." I replied, both of us obviously curious.

"So, now?" I heard one of them say faintly.

"Yeah, yeah, why not. The sooner the better," the other said, both sounding very tired.

I squinted in confusion and very slowly stepped over to press my ear against the wall, when a short series of knocks made me jump back.

"Hell! Fuck! Ah!" I stuttered awkwardly. It didn't take much to startle me.

Marissa jolted up off her bed, eyes wide as she looked at me. "That's them!" She whispered anxiously.

"Ah! God! Open it! I guess!?"

She whimpered and unnecessarily tiptoed towards the door, shaking as she pulled it open. "Hey!" She said all too quickly, but yet obviously doing a better job at being calm than I was. 

"H- Hi! Anthony said, staring deep into her eyes, shrugging slightly. He looked pretty excited, I found it odd considering how exhausted he sounded just a minute ago. He must've been putting on a pretty face for the strangers.

Ian walked in, without saying a word. He groaned almost silently, eyes on the ground as he slowly made his way inside. 

"Well um, nice to meet you, too!" I laughed.

He stealthily lifted his gaze up to me, his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth raising slightly as he looked me in the eyes. "Uh... Hey!"

"Well um... We're neighbors, I guess!" I said, accidentally gasping slightly as I finished my sentence. I wanted to punch myself in the neck. I wasn't doing a very good job at not being awkward. I glanced over to Marissa and Anthony, who looked like they were having the time of their lives, chatting it up. I always wished I was a social person like she was.

"Yep! Er... Kim suggested we come over here and introduce ourselves, so... I'm Ian, you?"

I laughed and bit my lower lip as I jolted my gaze to the ground and immediately bounced it back up. "I know who you are... I'm a pretty big Smosh fan." I winced mentally. "I mean, not the biggest, 'cause. Like, that would be creepy."

"Hey, that's pretty cool," he smiled. "Kim suggested we offer to take you guys to a movie... Get to know each other, I don't know... But hey, you in?" He pointed slightly as he tilted his head down diagonally in a way that made me blush.

I didn't really fancy the way he referred to everything as something Kim said to do, but he still seemed extremely nice. And, of course, I didn't want to pass up the offer.

"Well, does Marissa want to go?" I asked, smiling cheekily. At almost scary timing, I glanced over Ian's shoulder at Marissa, craning her head around, grinning towards me and giving me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I knew what that meant.

"Oh, well, never mind then..." I giggled. "I think that's a yes."

"So, you're going, right?" He grinned.

"Of course," I smiled awkwardly. "I mean, you're, well... You, I can't exactly turn you down..." I giggled.

Ian's smile dropped as he paused for a second and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, white slip of paper. With a smile on his face, but I could just slightly tell he was faking it, he handed it to me. "Here's my number, text me. We can work out a time, when you're not working at least, you know."

"Oh, great!" I smiled. "But hey, if it isn't too short notice, I was thinking we could maybe even just do it tonight, if you guys can... We have to work all tomorrow, but none today. We could catch you guys after dinner?" I questioned.

"Hey, that sounds fine. But still, text me!" His smile started to reappear.

"I'll do it!" I grinned.

I glanced once again over his shoulder to see Marissa bouncing around slightly as Anthony handed her a similar looking slip of paper, and he gave her a tiny hug. I could already tell they'd make a cute couple if they ever decided to... You know...

"Well uh, great! I guess I'll see you tonight," he gestured, very slowly starting to back away.

"Awesome," I blushed.

Grinning, he made his way out of the door, Anthony following. I heard the door click shut behind them, and it didn't take even a second for Marissa to start her fangirling. 

"Ho. Ly. God. Anthony is the hottest person alive!!! I think I have a new crush," she giggled. "But, no, it's not just that he's hot. Don't get me wrong. He's just..." She squealed, looking for words.

"Um, yeah he is," I giggled, Marissa throwing me a playful, suspicious look. 

"Hold up there. He's mine," she joked, the corners of her mouth looking as if they were about to tear she was smiling so big.

"What? Did you expect me not to agree or something?" I laughed. "They're both gods!"

She laughed back as we both simultaneously bounced onto our beds. "I can't wait to see them tonight," she squealed.

"Me either... Now let's just get through this dinner," I said, squinting at my wristwatch. "It's time to leave."

Marissa groaned, smoothing down her shirt and following me to the door. 

"Wait, wait, one second," I squeaked. "I'm gonna text Ian."

"Kay, but do it quickly! I'll be waiting at the elevator," she smiled as she strutted past me. I whipped my phone out of the pocket of my jeans, and copied the number into my phonebook. "I - A - N..." I mumbled under my breath as I punched it in and saved it.

I smiled widely as I started to type. "Hey, Marissa and I are leaving for dinner... Text me some details when we get back, k? :)" I shakily hit send, realizing how idiotic I sounded, but not knowing what else I could possibly say. I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me, and heard a ring come from my phone as it lit up. A text.

"Of course :)".

I did a happy little dance type thing to myself in the silent hallway as I was sure no one was watching. Smiling more than I had in a long time, I headed towards the elevator to catch up with Marissa.

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