Chapter 11

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A slight plasticy vaccuum noise came from the door to the ice cream parlor as Anthony swung it open, escorting Marissa inside, followed by me and Ian.

"Dammit, Marissa. What are we doing here? I thought we were going home after the movie," I whispered through my teeth at her.

"What's the problem?! I'd think you'd want to spend more time with Ian."

"Well, not now...! It was awkward enough as it was, and that would've been a great way to end the date. Now we have to start up enough conversation for another good goodbye..." I hissed.

"A date, hmm? Do I smell Megian being the new it couple?" She giggled evilly.

"Shut it, you know what I meant. Don't change the subject, anyway."

I was pretty pissed, but at the same time I was almost positive I was overreacting. But hey, why wouldn't I be... I just wanted him not to hate me, and think I'm the most awkward, boring person on earth... Which I am... But... I didn't want him to think that, at least!

"Relax. It'll be fine.  I mean, if I think things are getting awkward between the two of you... Because it's pretty obvious you're an awkward loser no one likes..." She smirked jokingly and circled around me, towards the ice cream counter, giving me a playful pat on the back on the way. "Me and Anthony will be right there to butt in. Friends are there for eachother, right?"

Her whispering tone made me feel even more nervous for reasons I couldn't even explain. Or maybe it was the fact that she was almost fully behind me, and I couldn't see her, giving an eery vibe? Nah.

Anthony followed Marissa obediently over to the counter, leaving Ian and I by ourselves.

Ian chuckled as he paced towards me. "What was that about?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all," I lied through my teeth, forcing a smile on my unconvincing poker face.

"Mhmmm. That's believable." He smirked as he circled around me just as Marissa did. I don't know why, but I just hated it. It made me feel like a dead animal that was being targeted by vultures. I wish everyone would stop doing that.

I sucked in a deep breath and spun myself around to walk towards the three. "So, Marissa, what are you getting?" 

"Erm.... Just vanilla. Anthony, too." She smiled widely as she craned her head over her shoulder behind her to Anthony, smiling back at her.

 "Hey, I'll just get a vanilla too. Why not." I picked at my fingernails as I waited for the line to become shorter, which was taking quite a bit longer than I hoped.

"Copycat," Ian joked. "I'm getting strawberry."

"Good for you, dude," I giggled.

Finally, a girl with big eyes and a white shirt with a small logo for the parlor on the pocket turned to Marissa, who was first in line. "How may I help-"

Suddenly, her eyes got even wider than before, making her expression look almost frightening. She switched her gaze between both Ian and Anthony, and started stuttering. "Are you... Who I think you are?" she choked.

Anthony smiled heartwarmingly at her and opened his mouth to speak. "Well... Probably."

She smiled and tangled her fingers together so forcefully it looked as if she was about to break her knuckles open. "Wow! Oh my... Oh my gosh! I'm a really big fan of you guys," she grinned.

Ian smiled back at her. "That means a lot. Really."

Speechless, the girl looked over to me for the first time. "Wait a minute... Do I know you? ...And you?!" She gestured towards Marissa and I.

"Hmm... I don't think so?" I questioned, and all of a sudden it hit me. She was the girl at the pizza place Marissa and I went to the very last day of school. The one who heard my ringtone. The one who knew who smosh were.

"Wait a minute." My eyes widened slightly. "Oh my gosh! I remember you. You were that girl working at that pizza place we went to. You heard my smosh ringtone?"

"Oh! That's where I know you from! Wow! And now you're... With them! In the flesh! This is really insane..."

I grinned widely. "I guess it's pretty amazing how life works out sometimes."

"Yeah! ...Wait, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I'm holding you all up, aren't I? Geez, I really am sorry, what flavors would you guys like?"

"Don't even worry. We love talking to our fans. Can we get three plain vanillas and one... Strawberry?" Anthony smirked.

"Got it!" She flipped her ice cream scoop into her right hand and effortlessly conjured up the four cones of ice cream.

"Thanks," Ian said as we all grabbed our cones. "It was great meeting you!"

"No no, it was so much better meeting you guys! Hey, you know what, everything's on the house. Have a great day."

Marissa looked at her oddly. "Really? You're just giving us the ice cream for free? Are you sure your boss won't get mad?" 

"Well, I mean, of course he would, but this is an exception! I'll slip in some of my own cash. Don't even worry about it."

"Wow! We owe you one," I called, the four of us, cones in hand, pacing ourselves towards a table in the corner of the oddly shiny parlor.

"Four chairs. Perfect." Anthony was the first to sit himself down, the rest of us doing the same simultaneously.

I took a quick lick of my ice cream. "Hey! This is pretty good." Ian looked over to me from across the table as he took his first lick. "You're correct."

A long silence passed as we all licked at our cones, occasionally making that awkward eye contact then looking away when they looked back. After a few minutes had passed, Ian and Marissa started speaking at the same time, their words jumbling together. 

"So Ian, I-"

"You know what..." Ian furrowed his eyebrows together at me.

"What?" I had less than no clue what could've been going on in his head.

"This is crazy, but... I never got your name..."

My mouth parted slightly. "Woah. We've been talking all day, and I was stupid enough to forget to tell you my name?"

"Aw, you're not stupid... But, you know my name, right?"

I scoffed. "Now you're the stupid one."

"Eh," he shrugged as I laughed.

"Anyway, it's Megan..."

His face brightened. "What?" I asked.

"Hey, that's my sister's name."

"Woah... Trippy. Are you sure I'm not your sister?" I mentally facepalmed myself at my 'joke'. What was I thinking?

"Well, pretty sure. My sister just looks kind of... Completely different from you."

I laughed and took another lick at my ice cream. "I have a good plastic surgeon."

Out of nowhere, I felt a long buzz in my right pocket. That little buzz my phone made whenever I got a text. Without thinking, I slipped it out, seeing the bright notification, almost blinding me in contrast to the very subtly dim parlor, as it was getting pretty late, and the sun was going down. I read over the text in my head. Over and over. Over and over yet again. But no matter how many times I read it, it still shocked me.  My eyes widened and I gripped Marissa's arm by the elbow tightly. "Marissa..."

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