Chapter 16

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Marissa's P.O.V.

I was more tired than usual the next morning, and I wasn't sure why, until I realized how late I'd stayed up thinking about Anthony while playing stupid apps on my phone. I must've gotten at most four hours of sleep. Today would be such a great day.

I didn't take much time to get ready, considering the only people I would be seeing at work would be the campers and, well, Megan, so I just ran a brush over my long hair, threw on some jeans and a comfortable t-shirt and headed out.

"Megan?" I called from the door.

"Yeah yeah, just go ahead without me. I'll catch up." She was smart, I didn't even realize it was fairly early. Oh well, at least I knew for sure I wouldn't be late.

I walked out, closing the door behind me, and slipping on my shoulder bag/ purse thing, and making my way to the elevator, when someone ran up behind me and threw their hands over my eyes from behind, often the way people would do in like Kindergarten.

"Guess who?" Anthony. Definitely, unmistakeably Anthony.

"Mmm, I don't know. Give me a hint."

"Well, I make Youtube videos."

"Oh, my god! This is too hard. Who are you." I didn't even realize, but I was grinning ear to ear.

He threw himself in front of me, removing his hands from my eyes.

"Ohh, Anthony! That's who it was."

"Don't be smart."

"Shut up. I'll be smart if I wanna be, Mr. Padilla."

He smiled for a second, a look of realization spreading over his face. "Oh wait, I came over here for a reason. Go get Megan, we need to film that video thing."

"Um, did you forget that I have work? Also, since when are we included in this," I snapped.

"Ever since us making it affects whether you have a job or not."

"You have a point," I grinned.

"Well, hey, the longer you take, the more work you miss... And obviously, it's so fun, you'd never want to miss a second."

"Mhmm. Yeah yeah, I'll go get Megan."

"Don't miss me too much."

"Whatever," I smirked, sliding back into mine and Megan's room.

"Megaaan. Come on, Anthony and Ian want us."

Megan met me at the door, obviously thinking the same as I. Jeans and a t-shirt. "They seriously want to make the video right now?"  she whined exhaustedly.

"Afraid so. But hey, I applaud them for not being extreme procrastinators like us. Let's go."

The four of us met up in Ian and Anthony's room, Anthony and I chatting for a bit while Megan and Ian tried to fix some minor difficulties with the camera.

"You almost done?" Anthony questioned.

"Well technically we were almost done when we started, the screen was just frozen for some reason... Megan fixed it." A smirk hid on Ian's face as he spoke.

"Shut up. All I did was shake the camera, smart one. Any reason you didn't figure that out, Mr. Youtube film genius?" Megan laughed.

"Quiet. I never said I was a genius. Now let's just get this over with."

Ian and Megan plopped down on either side of Anthony and me, Ian switching the tripod-elevated camera on with the remote, Anthony giving the video a confident start.

"Hey, you guys. We know it's not Friday, don't worry, we're not breaking the schedule, but we wanted to make an extra video, for a very... Special girl. Named Sierra." I heard Anthony gritting his teeth wildly under his sarcastic smile. It took a lot of effort not to chuckle.

"Well, we met Sierra at where we're staying, if you didn't know we were out of town, and she's a pretty big fan of ours. So we decided to dedicate this to her." Ian was pretty good at 'acting', not gonna lie.

"Yep, we decided, weren't forced or anything," Megan chuckled, pretending to cough. Nice one.

"Ugh, Megan, now we have to start over." I groaned.

Anthony laughed at me. "No, we'll cut that part out. You do know we don't have to just take one long shot, right?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, oh my god, my brain just died for a second. I'm sorry. Keep going."

"I'm not gonna lie, we really don't have much to talk about in this video," Anthony giggled. His laugh was genuinely the most adorable thing I'd ever heard in my life. "but we just wanted to, I don't know, catch you guys up."

"You obviously weren't wondering at all why we have these two random girls with us, but we'll tell you anyway," Ian joked. "These are our new friends who we met at our hotel. They're actually fans of ours, too. I have no idea why we keep meeting fans, our videos are terrible, but hey, I'm not complaining. You guys can like our crap all you want."

Anthony laughed just barely noticeably again. "Introduce yourselves, come on."

"Oh well, um, I'm Marissa," I smiled, pinning a section of hair behind my ear. "I like Youtube and stuff, and-" "Wow, cool. Mentally applauding you right now," Ian interrupted jokingly. "And you?"

"Well I'm Megan, I-" "Wow, that was a lot of information. Better let that sink in. Thanks for telling us about yourselves."

"Aaaand here's where we put a jumpcut... Just wait a second..." Anthony whispered, still smiling.

"But hey, in all seriousness, these are some pretty cool people. Also a cool person, the person this video's dedicated to. Sierra. Who we mentioned earlier. Yeah... You get the jist," Anthony spoke, enunciating pretty clearly for the speed he was talking. "I doubt there won't be more videos we have these two in, so don't think we're video sluts who just get new people each and every video. Well, this was extremely short, but I think we should end it here... Bye." Anthony squinted, waiting for Ian to say his little 'bitch' as he always does, but instead, he dominated the dialogue, leaning towards the camera in his seat.

"And hey, we know how crazy you guys are. With drama and stuff, we're not stupid we know.  We know what you guys do. You sick little bastards. So to clear things up, we are not dating. Friends. F-r-i-e-n-d-s. Friends. Okay, well..." Ian's tone was quiet and slow. "Bye, bitch," he spat quickly.

"At least we don't have to be dating... But we can be..." Anthony whispered, just barely enough for me to hear, intertwining his fingers in mine behind the back of my chair. Megan and Ian couldn't have heard what he said if they tried. I flinched. But. Wait. What. Did he really just say that. What. Oh my god. No he didn't. He didn't say that. He couldn't have. Oh my god. What. What.

A.N. Omg this was terrible I'm so sorry but I haven't updated in forever and I just??? Idk omg

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