Chapter 20

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*Marissa's P.O.V.*

I think Anthony actually hung up believing that he had done something well.

I didn't feel uncomfortable around Ian, and that's definitely not why I preferred talking to Anthony about my crush on Anthony to talking to Ian about it.

Ian seemed super nice, and incredibly funny, but I wasn't even really thinking of him when I called. It's just, it was something I wanted to tell Anthony.

I felt like just about anything would be less painful and/or tedious than waiting for Anthony to tell me if he liked me before I told him that I liked him.

But if Megan thought it would help, then so be it. I would trust her.

"Good girl," Megan said through a bite of mashed potatoes to me after I hung up. "Trust me, waiting  will, quite literally, insure that he likes you back before you get heartbroken."

But, honestly, all I could think about was why Ian didn't tell Anthony what I was calling about. I mean, I basically blurted it to him over the phone. He couldn't have forgotten, could he? Was he really that tired? If that's what really happened, then I would be completely ecstatic, but it just seemed improbable.

 For the last two hours of the day, we canoed in the nearby lake. Honestly, despite it being incredibly repetitive and kind of boring (And who really needs to be taught how to move a paddle back and forth?), it was about a hundred times more fun than most of the camp "activities". I was surprised they had an actual normal-camp-related activity even planned.

After the campers were dismissed back to their rooms by a few counselors, Megan and I stayed behind to wash out the canoes. It was actually more relaxing than I expected: being alone (aside from Megan) by the lake while the sun's going down, hearing the crickets sing around us from all directions.

"Hey, Megan?" I called.


"You don't have to stay here; I can finish this." I was planning on staying out here for a little while longer, anyway.

"Oh, please. You don't have to do this all by yourself."

"Really, it's fine. I like this. You can go inside."

Megan sighed. "Alright. But only because I'm tired and it's colder than a witch's tit out here. And, I'll owe you one. Thanks."

I smiled. "It's not that cold."

She returned the smile and started to walk toward the building.

About five minutes after she left and five more minutes of washing, when I only had one more canoe to complete, suddenly something softly jabbed me in the back.

I started to scream out of startlement, but stifled it when I turned around and saw Anthony behind me.

"Am I really that scary?"

"Yes," I said, standing up from my crouched position. "Very scary. Stay away from the children." 

He sat down on the side edge of the canoe I was just about to scrub, and gestured for me to sit next to him. 

I sat myself down a couple centimeters away from him, and he sighed, leaning his head into the crook of my neck to rest on my shoulder.

"It's pretty out here," he said breathily.

"You're pretty out here," I blurted without thinking. We both laughed at my stupidity.

"God, you have a nice job."

I scoffed. "Of course you're here to see the best of it."


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