Chapter 17

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Anthony's POV

Oh my god, wait a second. Did I actually just say that, or am I imagining things? No... I didn't... I wouldn't be so stupid as to just blurt that out like that... Holy shit I actually just said that.

Marissa looked up at me with her doe eyes in absolute question, like she had no idea what was going on. But frankly, I didn't either. "I..." she stumbled for words.

I realized my hand was still on hers, and I jerked it away quickly, awkwardly scratching my head in the way of when someone gets rejected a high five or something... Never a good feeling, either way.

"But..." She stammered quietly again, squinting in confusion. Great. I completely, absolutely ruined it. I swear to God, why am I such an idiot sometimes? I'd think I'd learn by now: Never act quickly on impulsse.

"Well, it was nice having you here. We'll get right on editing the video. Bye." I shook wildly as I spoke about lightning speed, hoping to get Marissa and Megan out A.S.A.P. I gestured towards the door.

"Hey, I mean we could help-" Megan started, but I interrupted. "Yeah hey no thanks we'll do it yep bye bye."

I felt bad as I practically pushed Megan and Marissa out, but I had to. I needed them out, I needed to think of an excuse to explain to Marissa. And it would have to be a pretty damn good one, if it were to convince her after that.

"What was that for?" Ian yawned as he plopped down onto the couch. "It would be kinda nice to have someone with us while we work for once."

"No... I fucked up."

Ian laughed at me like I was stupid. "No, I would've noticed if you said something stupid. I can tell you like her, don't try to hide it."

"No! You don't understand," I tugged at my hair as I paced around the room. Ian switched on the tv. "I really, really did. You just didn't hear."

"What did you do?" Ian scoffed.

"I uh..." I started with the awkward head scratch thing again. I think it was starting to become a habit. "I... May have grabbed her hand and asked her if she wanted to date me... Or something like that." I spoke quickly, hoping he wouldn't notice my franticness, but I doubted it was even remotely not obvious.

He started laughing. Not giggling, not snickering, full-out laughing.

"Is there something extremely funny I'm missing out on here?" I sassed.

"You're so stupid."

"Yeah, I'm totally just now realizing that."

"No, you idiot, not like that. You're stupid for thinking you're stupid."

"I'm not following."

"Dude, have you even stopped to ponder if you did embarrass yourself at all? 'Cause I'm not getting you right now."

I stood up completely straight and thought for a second. You know... He might be right... It's not like I killed her grandma or something... "You mean like, she might not hate me?"

"She might far from hate you. Hey, what you said might've been good, even. She might like you back, and you would've never known. She can tell you and you can get married in the sunset and ride off on unicorns in a happy ever after ending. Or something like that."

I smiled at the ground for a second, just hoping I wasn't blushing... At least not noticeably. "But why would she like me?"

"Why wouldn't she? You're hot."

I gave him a creeped out look and he laughed. "But really, she hardly knows you and how terrible you actually are. This is your shot. What is there for her to dislike about you?"

"Well... Maybe she thinks I have a weird nose. Or my hair's too long or my eyebrows are too crooked or I'm stuck up or-"

"Relax. You're way over thinking this. She's probably at work by now, but the next time you see her, I'm pretty sure one of you will bring it up. The situation's not that easy to ignore, after all."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess we'll just talk the next time we see each other, and we can work something out from there. I shouldn't be this stressed." I took a deep breath. "Thanks, by the way."

"Just remember! She's a person, exactly like you. Nothing superior to any other person, don't stress yourself out just 'cos you 'get to' talk to her.

"Mhmm," I mumbled as I walked towards the mini-refrigerator to get a soda. I took Ian's advice to heart, but I just... That last part wasn't sticking with me very well. Whenever I was with Marissa, my heart pounded, I worried every single word I said was just flat out wrong, and I was just, overall, nervous. As much as I tried to believe Ian's advice, Marissa was, from my perspective at least, far, far superior to 'any other person.'

A.N. Omg I'm actually so sorry I literally haven't updated in forever omg??? But my combination of business and laziness is just wow I'm sorry like oH BTW I had All City Band auditions the other day and I was really busy cos of that but it's over yay and I made 4th chair omg yeaaa but ok I'll stop noW BUT THE MEANING OF THIS WAS THAT I'M SORRY I WILL TRY HARDER NEXT TIME

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