Chapter 2 Money Power Glory

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"Freedom comes from the call

But that's not what this Bitch wants,

Not what I want at all.

I want Money, Power, and Glory"

Chapter 2

I honked the horn of the European vehicle rather hastily.

London's traffic was insane. Every ten minutes would not run by without the curses of an anxious driver. Luckily, I got deep into the city on time before I would have had to spend another minute on the road.

I drove to the curve, being sure to stay out of the street lights glow.

Putting the car in park, I waited silently in my seat.

I arrived at here just last night, shortly after the meeting with my employer. Given to me was a vanilla file stating extremely vague information on my targets, but that's alright. I could search and find anything I want about all three of them in just a little over an hour.

I opened the file, eyes skimming over the three lines of my target.

Sebastian King: Male; 22 Gang Leader

Callum Bell : Male; 23 Skilled Fighter

Mason Walker: Male; 20 Genius tracker

There was always this one thing about gangs that made me fume. What makes people find the urge to join gangs? 

Was it money? Greed ran through their veins like a substitution for blood. 

Or power? Outcasted and feared, gangs could easily get what they wanted through their own little system. The world is a criminal's playground, with every job a new law to break. I could care less, but they never leave me alone. 

I reached over the seats, and reached for my duffel bag. Inside was a bunch of black tactical gear, and all the other stuff typically found on ex-military personnel. The only thing that stood out, was my mask. A white rabbit mask, orginally something I found as a joke, but has served its purpose greater than I intended. 

No one but my coworkers know what I look like. I tend to expose myself after successfully completing the job. It would be a shame if the victim never knew the face of their killer, am I correct?

This mask has accompanied me on every assignment I was ever given after receiving it. It would feel strange to suddenly not bring it one day, kind of like leaving home without a phone. But in a more personal sense, there's nothing this mask cannot provide like comfort. Knowing that I'm hidden makes feel safer. 

Slipping on the mask, I couped the curls of my brown hair into a ponytail, only to hide it under a hoodie. Underneath the hoodie was a bulky, bullet-proof vest.

Gangs, to me, are just a bunch of civilian idiots with guns, but anyone with a gun is dangerous.

I've seen it first hand.

My eyes focused at the entrance of the club. Out in the front, there was a bouncer manning the doorway. But behind him, I could clearly see the blonde hair of one of my targets.

There he was.

From this angle, I saw past the front door, and got the perfect view of the bar.

He was taking sips from his cup, keeping an open eye out every now and then. He appeared tense, as if the festive atmosphere of the club hadn't been able to affect him.

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