Chapter 17 Without You Part 2

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It's been a great week but it's going to get worse... Just like this chapter.



Chapter 17 Part 2

"I think Bell is a better last name."

"Kira Bell?" I asked him. "I would sound like a fairy."

Just the idea of it, to have his last name will get me feeling all excited.

"Well I was just stating that my last name is better, but if your insisting that you want to be my wife then-"

"-Oh my god," I blushed. "I thought you meant your last name would sound better on me!"

I buried my face into the crook of his neck, hiding my embarrassment.

"It would."

Callum Bell. Kira Stryker. Callum Bell. Kira Bell.

"How many Bells are there?" I asked him.

"Not too much as far as I'm concerned," he said ,"but I'm sure the world won't mind if there's another one."

I brought myself out from hiding, only to see that Callum turned his head to look at me.

"Now I'm starting to think you want me to be your wife."

"Everything I want, I have, Jack Rabbit."

"The Kings have gotten you spoiled," I murmured.

"Just a bit."

I playfully slapped him on the chest and we laughed together over nothing.

When the laughter died down we lied there for a bit, staring at each other. Both of us were idle in each others arms daring one to break the silence.

And I couldn't help but think on how much I love you Callum Bell.

I'm going to miss you a lot.


"Yes, love?"

"Tell me how we first met." I wanted him to say it.

"That's easy," he said. "It was cold and it was dark...

"I was taking a drink from the bar, waiting for some gang members to show up. Having too much to drink, I needed to get some air. When I decided to take a walk outside, I knew they were watching me, the gang members..."

Then he turned on his side, shifting the sheets with him. I faced him too while on my side, and brought the sheets up to my chest covering my breasts.

"But I was surprised to see that they sent a girl in this ridiculous rabbit mask to face me."

I playfully furrowed a brow at him. Ridiculous?

"Except I whooped your butt!" I informed him.

"Shh. Shh. I'm telling the story," he said with a smile. "Alright, yes. This girl did 'whoop my butt', which I didn't expect. I also didn't expect the gang members to show up out of the blue..."

I smiled, remembering that that did happen.

"What surprised me more was that this girl started fighting them off single handedly before my eyes," he looked at me fondly.

"And I couldn't take my eyes off her. I couldn't even move until she was done with them. Then she turned around and saw me.

"And like most girls, she was after me in seconds."

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