Chapter 6 Sad Girl

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SHOUT OUT @HAJRA_BAIG FOR THE LOVELY COVER ON THE SIDE (: It's so interesting talking with you and I had lots of fun learning about you! 



                                "Watch what you say to me

                                Careful who you're talking to

                                I'm a sad girl,

                                 I'm a bad girl"

Chapter 6


“Can you tell me why we're staring at your bed?”


After the game of Russian Roulette, Sebastian and Callum left me locked up in the room for what seemed to be hours, and possibly days. The wait was daunting, and my patience was wearing thin. I couldn’t wait till I got out.


It was a long, dark, and uncomfortable car ride from the torture room to The King’s house. House? Headquarters? I really don’t know what to call it, but what sucks is I didn't get to see it. I was  kept blindfolded throughout the entire ride.


Sebastian still didn’t trust me enough to give me some kind of freedom, in fact no one did. I was blindfolded before they cuffed me, and I was drugged before I was blindfolded.


What made it worse was I hadn’t eaten since two days ago.


When I was in the navy, they had a room stocked full of goodies--donuts, chips, cake, cookies, and all that good shit. The room was open at all times. But the recruits in training would be starved while under the pressure of physical and mental stress. Eventually, one soldier would be tempted away from the platoon, only to find himself indulging in the sweets. That soldier would be sent home as a failure--too weak willed to resist temptation. A ditcher to his team, and a coward that ran away for food.


That’s what they were having. Sebastian, Danny, Nate, and Callum, were all dining while I was still recovering from the drugs. Sure, I couldn’t touch anything, and sure, I couldn’t see anything. But I could smell the aroma of lasagna. I could even hear the knife slice through marinara layers. My mouth was watering.


Luckily, boys being boys, they ate fast. Sebastian gave orders for me to get cleaned up, and I soon felt myself being lifted from the ground and carried around the house. My head slumped against the persons shoulder. Even if I couldn’t use my hands, I still felt the hard muscles that outlined his chest. And almost instantly I picked up the masculine scent of his cologne.


I rubbed my cheek against his chest as I kept inhaling him. The arms that held me tensed at the sudden act, and it made me want to chuckle. I heard him exhale, letting a soft groan escape from his lips.

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