Chapter 11 Gods and Monsters

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Lovely banner on the side! I hope you guys like it, maybe you'll spot the quote in this chapter! ♥


"No ones gonna take my soul away,

I'm living like Jim Morrison."

Chapter 11

"You can just bring her her food. I'm sorry for putting you up with this, but Sebastian and I have some things to work on," I heard Callum's voice rumble.

"No! No it's fine. I don't mind," a more feminine voice sounded.

Although I couldn't see their faces, I knew that Callum would probably be smiling. I can faintly hear his chuckles from the other side of the door.

"Thanks Emily."

"What do I do if she ditches me again?" Emily asked. There was a silent pause.

"Don't worry about it. She ditches everyone. I think it's a Kira thing," Callum said sarcastically, but I could see him playing through his humor. "If it does happen, I'm sure you know what to do."

"Of course, yes. Right."

"Alright, I gotta run. Thanks again, Em."

I could hear my door knob click as Emily unlocked it. The wooden door creaked as it opened, and Emily's soft footsteps were headed towards my way. Eventually they stopped when they reached the desk.

A cautious hand shook me lightly on my shoulder, and I faked a groan as if I had just woken up.

"Kira..." Emily whispered. "Wake up, I brought food." I immediately shot up right from the office chair to look at what she brought me. Well that surely did it.

There was scrambled eggs, pancakes, orange juice, and sliced fruits set on a tray for me. The breakfast looked divine, and I hoped the taste would be as promising. Already my mouth watered and I'm pretty sure I was drooling over what would be my first meal.

"Thank you," I yawned as I took the tray from her hands. I placed it on the desk in front of me and began to eat away.

From the corner of my eye I saw Emily pull up another chair to sit next to me. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a bun, but it tilted slightly when she leaned against the desk.

"So, how's it going?" she asked suddenly. "I heard you were tracking Evie?"

Is that what Callum's telling everyone? He's telling them that I'm in here to find Evie, when really he got pissed at me and decided I don't belong anywhere but this room.

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