Chapter 8 Dark Paradise

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@FLICKERED for your interest and voiced opionions. Your individual support is very meaningful to me!

@SURRENDERSWEETLY for just being here. I met you like three days ago and I already feel close to you, but that's not what this shoutout is for.

@dat_hawaiian_girl for the kick-ass banners. Like seriously, the red one radiates Kira. ♥♥

"And there's no remedy for memory,

Your face is like a melody

It won't leave my head...

But I wish I was dead."

Chapter 8

"I needa' get out of here," I mumbled. I moved the laptop off of my legs to stretch.

Today was going to be the only day without Callum watching me. Before Sebastian left, Callum told me that they were gonna pay The London Eyes a little visit. Apparently they were gonna ask Danny some questions to help me find Evie, but Sebastian refused to let me go. Instead, he told me to stay here and "make myself useful". Asshole.

I twisted my body to slide off the edge of the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" the barbie look-a-like asked. She stood up from the chairs and got in my way. "You're supposed to stay in bed."

I ushered her out of my way and moved around her. Kira Stryker was never one to listen to "superiors". But she got back in my path to try to stop me. I threw a glare in her direction for not taking a hint.

"Callum said you aren't allowed to leave. He's gonna get so pissed at me if he finds out you're out of the bed." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

They left a blabbering blonde who didn't even look like she could fight, here to watch me.

"Listen, Emily was it? I've been sitting there for two days straight. My fucking back hurts like a bitch, so take a walk in my shoes and please shut it."

I continued walking to the door, legs sore from lack of movement. Soon I stopped, feeling a little guilty for snapping at her and said, "Don't worry about Callum. He's not gonna yell at you."

"How do you know?" Emily asked. I chuckled. She was totally new to this gang, newer than me I could tell.

"Because he's not gonna find out. Now you're either with me, or against me. And Emily, I wouldn't want to be against me," I said, forewarning her. There was a sneaky gleam in my eyes that struck her with fear.

"I have to tell Sebastian-"

"-No, you wont."

I was out of the door that instant, and began running. Her calls were fading as I progressed in distance, but I didn't even know where I was going. I looked around again, and found no place to go except for another room ahead of me.

"Kira!" she shouted again.

I looked at the room, and ran inside to hide. I quickly slammed the door shut, and locked it. Pressing an ear against the door, I heard the footsteps fade away once more. A tired breath escaped from me and I couldn't help but grin. This was the most fun I've had in a long time.

"Who's there?" a man asked. I froze, and slowly turned around. "Sebastian is that you?"

"Uh..." I trailed off when I saw who was lying on the bed. His brown hair was messily arranged due to bed head, and his eyes found his way to mine.

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