Chapter 18 This is What Makes Us Girls

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"This is what make's us girls.

We don't stick together cause we put our love first.

Don't cry about him, Don't cry about him.

It's all gonna happen."

Chapter 18

My head was rested against the fluff of the pillow, but I made sure I had an extra one next to my side. It was a replacement for the empty void next to me.

He always slept on the left side of me. I've grown accustomed to his body being next to mine over the past few months, and now it's strange not seeing him here. With me.

I remember how I used to laugh at all the heartbroken girls who would cry over the fact that they felt "empty". I used to think it would be so much easier to just move on and find a new lover instead of dreading over the past one.

But it looks like the jokes on me.

Turning, I brought an arm up to rest on my forehead. A sigh escaped me as I never expected to share the same unfortunate fate as those girls I once judged. This is what makes us girls, right? We all say we'll be different from the others, and that we will never make the same mistakes. However, no one ever told me that it would be this simple to feel like I am dying, like I can barely breathe because I would be choking on my own tears.

I could feel my eyes beginning to water as I stared at the right side of the bed. It was empty here.

I felt empty.

A choked sob left me as I curled tightly on my bed. I never knew that I had this many tears until I realized that it was me that soaked the side of my pillow and not my wet hair.

"What are you crying for, love?"

Oh god. It couldn't be... Was it? My breath hitched, and I froze.

His arm snaked around my waist and he held me close to his chest. Was I dreaming? If so, then this would be a horrible dream. My mind is taunting me. I can actually feel him hold me against him.

I breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm myself.

"You're breathing quite hard, Kira." Of course I was. "Thinking of me?"

"You're all I can think about, Callum."

I heard him chuckle from behind. He placed his lips on my back, blowing kisses in a smooth trail. I took another deep breath, inhaling the masculine scent of his.

"The smell of your skin lingers too."

"You remember the scent of me?" he asked. He was calm as ever. I could hear it in his voice.

Some more tears began to drop from eyes. It's all that I've craved for. Would it be wrong for me to touch try to touch him? Would he disappear from me if I tried?

I reached for the hand that held me so securely and wanted to sigh from relief. Callum held me back. He laced his fingers with mine and squeezed.

"Yes," I began to cry. I couldn't forget it. Even though he was gone, I could still smell the scent of his around me. "Is this really you?"

"Does it feel like it's really me?" He ground his hips against my rear. His large hard-on pressed against me.

"How are you so-"

He cut me off with a kiss, and I felt the warmth and tingle spread to my toes. Aside from the fact Callum was horny while I was in tears, I was ecstatic that he was next to me.

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