Chapter 17 Without You Part 1

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Congratulations to @Kitten0000 for being the winner of the super short contest! I hope you enjoy the dedication. (You're scene will be in part 2)

Shoutout to @Mind_Matter @MFrancos17 and @Anisa01 for your ideas were incorporated into this chapter!



"Stolen images, baby stolen images.

Can you picture it?

Babe the life we could have lived."

Chapter 17

"Oomph!" I watched as Callum landed on the mat with a loud smack.

A smile crept upon my lips when he groaned trying to get back up, but fell back again. He lied there on his back, spreading his arms and legs out as if he were going to make snow angels.

"And I thought it was because you were trying to go easy on me," I laughed out loud. My voice echoed through the empty gym.

I was currently standing with my legs bent, but then I stood up straight, fixing my posture. Beads of sweat glistened on my skin, and I felt the dampness of my t-shirt clinging to my sports bra.

"Honestly, I don't know anymore," he said. Callum brought an arm over his forehead, shielding his eyes from the installed lights shining down from above. "And you said you haven't trained in forever..."

It's true I haven't. The last time I've stepped foot in a gym for proper training was probably a couple days before I was given this assignment.

If it weren't for Emily's recommendation of coming to the gym with Callum, I'd be gaining pounds.

"I wasn't lying," I said. I walked over to one of the treadmills, and started playing with around with the buttons. "I need to work out anyways."

"You get that ass on that treadmill," Callum hollered.

"That's not funny." I turned off the machine, and walked over to the mat.

"Is too."

"Shut up."

"Wanna say that to my face, love?" he asked, peeking out from under his arm. I stood over him while he lied on the floor.

"Shut up--woah!" My feet slid from under me, and my butt smacked hard against the padded floor.

I fell back onto the mat, with my arms spread out next to me. Next thing I knew, Callum was on top of me, pinning me down with a victorious grin on his face.

"Cheater," I whispered while locking eyes with his.

"It's not cheating," he smiled. "You just weren't careful." He slid off of me, standing up and offering me a hand.

How noble.

"Well now that we both know how a soldier fights," he said. "Want me to show you how a gangster fights?"

"How does a gangster fight?" I furrowed a brow at him.

"It's pretty creative actually," Callum explained. "We start with a basic fighting style, say MMA."


"And then we just do whatever the fuck we want. No rules like the ones that the military applies."

"Wow," I said. "So when are you going to actually use this technique on me?"

"Do you really want me to?" he asked amused.

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