Eyeless jack x seme male zombie reader

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hello my name's (Y/N) (L/N) I'm a pretty normal guy and I just turned 22 about a month ago and just recently scavenged enough money from my two jobs to move out from my parent and get an apartment.  the apartment was surprisingly cheap considering how spacious it was and it had a great view of the woods honestly I'm surprised someone else didn't get it before I did and the people that lived there before seemed to be in a rush to get out of there because they left it completely furnished I even asked if they needed more time to move out but they just told me to keep everything so that's another plus I guess and the place I was taking my college courses was just about a 5 minute drive through the woods I live near so all and all this apartment was pretty convenient.  Moving didn't take long I just had to get my clothes and other things like posters and toiletries cause I didn't want to use there toiletries that's nasty.... anyway Unpacking took only about an hour so I had time before I went to bed so I decided to look through my video games and see what looked interesting ' hmmmm..... how about majora's mask '  I played majora's mask for a while till I felt tired and went to bed. that night I slept ok I kept feeling like I was being watched and there would be random static sounds but since I'm a heavy sleeper the static didn't bother me that much and I just ignored the feeling of being watched and slept through the night ok after that the morning came quick and I didn't want to get up for my collage courses but if I want to be a ( something you like that requires collage) well then waking up early for classes is just something I'll have to suffer through. ' first day here I come. '  


it's been about two months since I moved into my apartment and started my courses everything's been going well I made a few acquaintances in my classes. I had just gotten done with my final class of the day and was heading to my car when I hear someone screaming there head off " (Y/N)!!!!!!! (Y/N) GOD DAMN MY FAT ASS CAN'T KEEP UP WITH YOU FAST WALKING SLOW THE FUCK DOWN AND WAIT FOR ME (YYYYYYYY/NNNNNNN)~~  PLZ SLOW DOWN YOUR KILLING ME HERE" and that would be Madison one of my acquaintances from class when I first met her she was so quiet but now that she comfortable with me she's so god damn loud but the non the less a sweet but weird girl with her yaoi and such. " hey (Y/N) you listening to me bud?" Madison said with slight concern  " OH ya sorry dude just thinking " I replied  "what ABOUT THE FAMULOUS AND AMAZING MADISON THAT GUYS AND GIRLS CAN'T HELP BUT SWOON OVER" Madison said dramatically ending her shout with what I assume was suppose to look sexy but was her just lifting her leg in an award position.   "..... god your such a dork " " HEY AM NOT I AM THE ULTIMATE SEDUCTRESS NOW BOW DOWN PESANT :P "  "  yaaaaeeeehhh .......sure thing Maddie any way why do you need me"  " OH yeah well there's going to be a party too night and I want someone to be an antisocial wallflower with and a ride .......plus there's free food there and I know me and you are broke ass bitches that can't afford dinner so we get a free meal if we go....... YAY we're poor"  " hmmmm whelp Maddie I can't deny free food so I'm in" " HELL YA THIS PARTY WILL BE BOSS WITH MY MAIN MAN (Y/N)."  

TIME SKIP ( really lazy sorry)

it was about time of the party so I decided to change out of my school clothes into something more suitable for a party even though this party was probole just an excuse for people to get high and drink I still wanted to look ok so I searched through my stuff from a while and find a gray button up and black skinny jeans and of course my signature hoodie. I through on my outfit quickly and a fresh coat of deodorant and did a quick check to see if everything was there 'phone yes wallet yes mint gum yes and keys yes'  'now time to pick up hell child .......ok I mean Maddie but y'know same difference'  I though getting up and going to my old beat up Subaru and drove to Maddie's and waited in my car out side of her apartment honking a few times. Then I see Madison walk out in all her glory the same clothes from school except wait what's that she changed her t-shirt from a fandom tee to a t-shirt that had the picture of a bowtie on it ...... classy " that's my girl Maddie work it!!" " oh honey please I'm always working it" Maddie said flamboyantly then looked me straight in the eye for a moment before we both burst out laughing then she got in the can and drove to the party with queen songs blasting and us screeching along to every word of the songs


when we arrived the party was already in full swing the hole house was hot boxed and there where multipole keg stands in use, people were jumping off the roof into the pool in the back yard high off there asses and some chicks were running around with there tops off getting wolf whistles from guys that where watching and .....Madison  but I didn't pay much attention to that ...boobs aren't my thing or girls in general but pretty much only Madison knows that.  later me and Madison decide to go inside after all that's where all the food is and that's what we came for there where that classic party foods nothing fancy but me and Maddie didn't mind so we started to chow down. while we were eating a girl walked up to Maddie blushing and whispered to her then next thing I know Maddie was being dragged upstairs whelp guess I'm on my own the damn lesbian left me so guess I just continued eating 


"COME ON (Y/N) DON'T BE A PUSSY AND JUST SNORT IT" "YEAH MAN IT'S SUPOSD TO BE NEW AND SUPPER COOL LIKE YOU'LL TOTALLY BE TRIPPING" "COME ON WE'LL HAVE A GRAET TIME" were the shouts of my class mates to snort this weird new drug how I got in this situation I don't know man I wish Maddie was here ....... I guess it couldn't hurt too much to try. "ok I'll try it" "YAEH YOUR THE MAN" "AWSOME" "COOL MAN " I sigh and look at the substance in front of me I go down and inhale it through my nostril all eyes where on me at first I didn't feel anything then I'm hit with blackness but I can still hear and feel everything and what I hear isn't good studently all I can hear is screams and I feel my hands ripping something apart.  I have no control of my body and the metallic smell of blood invades my senses and then I feel myself eating something It feels like meat and tastes of metallic human blood oh god I can't stop but it sorta tastes ......good what am I saying oh god why I feel my body chase something and tackle it ripping it or ... then apart as they scream in agony I repeat the proses to many times to count till all the screams subside the air is filled with the unmistakable sent of blood I miss Maddie and I wish I had stayed home.....

( that's why you don't cave to pear pressure kids you'll tern into a zombie and kill everyone life facts 101)

that's all for today I didn't edit it almost at all so ya have fun part 2 coming soon

character x readers/male reader seme or uke  Yaoi, Yuri and StraightWhere stories live. Discover now